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by Daneal Weiner

From the Orchards of Jerusalem

Aseres Yamai Tshuvah...............Yom Kippur............. ..........Gotta learn...................................Can't write.

A gmar v'chasima tova. Have a meaningful fast and....


Rav Wolfson notes there is a machlokes whether the Mashiach will come if every Jew keeps one Shabbos or if after keeping two Shabboses.

Yom Kippur is also called `Shabbos'. This one could be the two. AND The Jews were taken out of Egypt 2 years early. Years ending in 8 (as in 5758) are m'sugal for the Mashiach to redeem us- 2 years early.

Now, have a meaningful fast and a double Shabbot Shalom.

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