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"" And He called unto Mosha............................................................."(1:1) The Torah doesn't inform us as to who called Mosha. It's clear that this calling was done by G-d. However, why was G-d some what hidden in regard to this particular calling? It should have stated, "And G-d called unto Mosha". I would like to propose the following original answer, Bezrat Hashem. The Torah is teaching us a very important lesson. We have a tradition based on Medrash Vayikra Rabba 7:3 (Please refer there for further details) that youngsters begin their Bible studies with the book of Leviticus (Vayikra).It is precisely for this reason the Torah is vague as to who is actually calling Mosha in verse 1:1 in order to arouse the curiosity of the small children to ask their teacher this very question, namely "Who is calling Mosha?". The teacher will, thereby, be forced to inform the children that it is G-d Almighty who created heaven and earth who is doing the calling. The children will be instructed in the foundations of Judaism from the very beginning of their studies. Yet a more pervasive lesson can be derived regarding the proper manner in which children have to be taught Torah, namely with curiosity. Its not enough to fill them with facts, but they must be encouraged to ask questions on the subject material. The teacher must leave out obvious information so that the children will ask and ponder the ramifications of the teachers words closely as demonstrated by verse 1:1. Torah learning is by no means a dry subject devoid of excitement. This must be taught to the children at a young age so that their enthusiasm for learning will last them for a life time. G-d had purposely left out His name so that this lesson can be learned. Have a Good Shabbos
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