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"......................he (Jacob) took from the stones of the place......................................................(28:11) Rashi comments that it seems to say in verse28:18 that there was one stone in the singular ,while here it states that there were numerous stones in the plural. Each stone wished that the rightous man , Jacob, to rest his head upon it, and thus began to argue. G-d, thereby fused the stones into one stone. (Please refer to Rashi, and Chullin 91 for further details) What lesson are the Rabbi's teaching us from this unique explanation concerning the stones.................I would like to propose ,Bezrat Hashem, the following original answer, as follows: In Pirchei Avos 5:17, it states: "Any controversy which is for the sake of Heaven will result in something permanent..............................."(End of quote) Rightous men are constantly searching for the proper path to serve G-d. Questions invariably arise as to which path is the best to achieve the desired goal. Yet , this is an quarrel thats main function is solely intended to glorify G-ds name. Each stone wanted Jacob to use it to rest his head on. A Tzaddiks main intention in whatever he does is for G-ds glory, therefore a Tzaddiks utensils are thereby infused with holiness. Each stone wished to sanctify G-ds name , but how? If only Jacob would use it as his head rest! The stones fought a battle for G-ds sake, G-d thereby made them into one stone. Further in verse 28:18, we find that Jacob anointed the stone, and used it as a monument to dedicate the place in which he dreamed of the angels ascending and descending. This stone became a permanent monument.........................The unifying factor that made the stones (Plural) into one stone (singular) was that the quarrel which they had was for the sake of Heaven. This unified them. ..........................Doing actions for the sake of Heaven is very powerfull in deed.The Rabbi's were teaching us how to unify our efforts so that something permanent can be created. This is the power of unifying ourselves for the "sake of Heaven". Use the following as an example only: (1) Eating---------------so that we can be healthy to better serve G-d (2) Wasing------------so that we can be clean to better serve G-d (3) Dressing in nice clothing..............since we represent Torah, we thereby sactify G-ds name..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ECT. If we can somehow unify our actions for the "sake of heaven", then we can perhapes emerge as a complete and distiguishing "vessel" in the serve of Hashem. Little by little we can come closer to this goal.................Have a Good Shabbos............................................................
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