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I would like to dedicate this Parsha sheet to my beloved uncle, R. AHRON TZVI BEN R.YECHIEL MICHEL HAKOHEN , ZECHER LABROCHA......May he rest in peace....................................................................

" Gather together the people- the men , the women, and the small children..................................." (31:12)

The Torah is commanding the Mitzvah of Hakhail. In the year that follows a shmitta year, the entire Jewish nation assembles at the beginning of Chol Hamoed Sukkas to hear the king read certain sections of the Torah.

In Chagigah 3a, the following is recorded concerning Hakhail: (In paraphrase form) R. Yochanon ben Beroka and R. Elazar ben Chasma visited their teacher, R. Yehoshua , on a Jewish holiday. R. Yehoshua asked his students to repeat some words of Torah from a Torah lecture given by R. Elazar ben Azaryah concerning why children are required to attend the Hakhail service. It is readily understood why adult men and women attend, but why the small children?R. Elazar ben Azaryah explained as followed: ' The Torah commanded that the children be brought so that G-d would reward those who brought them (parents)'....................................................

How can one understand this explanation more fully, Bezrat Hashem.........................There are many reasons for the Mitzvahs of the Torah. Some we can ponder to try to atleast derive some reason, while others only Hashem trully knows the reasons. Yet, there exists one universal reason that can be applied to all Mitzvahs, namely that Hashem wishes to graciously bestow a reward for all the Mitzvahs that we perform. This concept can be derived from the following source, Makkot23b as follows: R. Channah ben Akashia said: The Holy One, blessed be He, wished to confer merit upon Israel; therefore He gave them Torah and Mitzvahs in abundance. as it says, " G-d desired,for the sake of its (Israels) rightousness, that the Torah be expanded and strengthened" (Isaiah 42:21). This concept is very significant since it demonsrates to us Hashems love for the Jewish people..................This is why we have so many Mitzvahs, in order to give us more of an opportunity to glean merit for ourselves from G-d Almighty. G-d is gracious and benevelent indeed......................G-d wants to give us merit, let us utilize this graciousness to the fullest...........................Have a good Shabbos..........


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