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" Let me now cross and see the good land....................... (3:25) Mosha is pleading with Hashem to allow him to cross over the Jordan River and be able to go into The Land of Israel. However, a question can be asked concerning Mosha's request from verse (3:25). Why does Mosha have to say the "good" land, it seems to be superfulous? What is Mosha actually praying for ,as hinted to ,from the adjective "good"?I would like to propose an original answer, Bezrat Hashem, as follows: A person should never underestimate the tremendous power that evil gossip can have on another person. When the spies returned with an evil report concerning the Land of Israel,its impact was very detrimental. Mosha was essentially praying to rid himself of the spies evil influence. He, therefore, prayed to be able to see the "good" in the land of Israel. Mosha understood too well the power of evil gossip that he himself needed to pray for help in this regard. We can, Bezrat Hashem, learn a tremendous lesson from Mosha. Not only should a person pray for material matters,but should also pray for spiritual as well. Mosha fervently wished to only see the "good" in the Land,and purify himself from the deep down influences of the spies. The power of words are awesome indeed......... However, Mosha sought Devine assitance in this regard. How much more so we need to pray for help in our every day spirituality. Mosha feared that perhapes the spies had influenced more then he liked, yet took an active step towards improving himself by seeking Hashem's help. Perhapes, we should take note of it and pray for our own spiritual health...........................Have a good Shabbos...
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