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"Pour into me now some of that very red stuff.............."(25:30)

When Esau returns home , he asks his brother Jacob for some lentil soup. A question can be asked, as follows: lentils are red only when they are raw; once cooked they turn a different color.Why then did Esau ask for the lentils in their raw state, namely red?The red color is specifically being asked for by Esau! I would like to propose an original answer, Bezrat Hashem.

In verse (25:25), it states that Esau emerged from the womb ruddy, or red. This is how the Torah describes Esau at birth. When Esau asked Jacob for some lentil soup, he specifically asked for it in its uncooked state, namely red.This is very significant in order to perhapes get a glmpse into Esau's outlook or philosophy on life. Cooking represents transformation, the changing of an unedible substance to something edible or usable.When Esau asked for the "red" stuff , he was in essence resisting the necessary changes that must take place before a person is transformed into a complete product.This certainly includes character refinement.In the book, Even Shalema" (Anactodes from Vilna Goan) , it states the following: " Every aspect of G-d's service is dependent upon, or hinges on the fixing of personal characteristics (traits)."(Please refer there for further details.)

Esau insisted that his lentil soup be in its "raw" state, he thereby refused the cooking process. He wished to remain in his unrifined state, namely in the same state that he was born--red.We are all born with certain characteristics, some good and some evil. This is our reality.However, we must go through the "cooking" process in order to transform ourselves into refined beings. Esau refused to be refined.The "Chovat Halevovet"(Chapt, 6 "Shaer Teshuva. Please refer there for details) states that there are 4 basic motivations that can bring about changes in a person, or shall we say can bring a person to repentance. These are as follows:(1) recognizing G-d's greatness, (2) rebuke from a prophet or Torah teacher, (3) witnessing other peoples suffering, (4) a person's own suffering.

We must all allow ourselves to be refined, or "cooked". This is our purpose in life, namely allowing ourselves to atleast try to change for the better.

Have a good Shabbos.


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