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MISHPATIM "If an ox shall gore a man or woman and he (the victim) shall die,the ox shall surely be stoned; its flesh may not be eaten ......................................" (21:28) The Sefer Hachinuch writes that the flesh of such an ox is forbidden to be eaten because we should realize that whatever was the cause of a disaster is to be disgusting in our eyes.As we come to fully appreciate this concept,it will influence us to be exceedingly carefull that no disaster come about through us, G-d Forbid....................At times a person may be very cavalier about our actions and deeds, and dont really give much thought to their consequences ............... We must be vigilent against any harm that might come about through our actions, whether spiritual or physical..............Even speaking melicious gossip (LOSHON HARA) about someone can certainly cause damage to that individual.........Is that really what we want to be ,a force of destruction (CHOS VESHOLOM) , or a force for good ? This is trully a powerfull question....................The Torah is teaching us to abhor destructive forces, as demonstrated by the forbidden status given to a killing ox.................................... We find a most fascinating Gemora in Baba Kamma 30a: "The pious of earlier generations used to hide their thorns and broken glass in their fields 3 handbreaths below the surface................R. Sheshet used to burn them. Rava would throw them in the Tigris River......................." These pious men did this in order to prevent any damage that can potentially occur through these dangerous sharp objects.........................Its interesting to note that these men were called "pious" for such a seemingly simple act.......................This perhapes should be a lesson to us as to what is trully considered pious in the eyes of the Sages...........It doesnt mention any esorteric or metophysical activity, simply the act of caring enough about how to prevent a damage from occuring...................These were trully pious men.......It seems then that the simple acts of every day piety is trully a treasure trove of enormous spiritual potential..........We must endeavor to discover the piety in our simple every day activities................................Have a Good Shabbos
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