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Lech lecha ............Every male among you shall be circumcised (17:10)
The Sefer hachinuch makes the following comment about the Mitzvah of
Brit milah: "For it is known to the wise that the perfection of the
human body is achieved by removing the foreskin from it....... G-d
did not create man complete and perfect from the womb, in order
to hint to man that just as perfection of his physical form is by
his own hand, so does it lie within his own means to perfect his
soul by his actions......" An achievement acquired with ones own
initiative and hard work is sweeter than having that achievement given
to one as a free gift. To many of us the efforts towards a goal is
often burdensome, but seldom do we realize that the obstacles
encountered are often blessings in disguise......The chesed of Has.
in giving us the ability to achieve spiritual or physical goals
through our own initiative is tremendous.....The joy one can experience
when the goal is finally attained is boundless.....Obstacles should
never be viewed as impediments to our joy, but as vehicles that can
potentially increase or enhance our joy when the goal is finally
achieved. It is definatly comforting to know that Hash. wants us to
realize that through our efforts we can reach our personal
"perfection". The Sefer Hachinuch (zecher labrocha) is teaching us
through the Mitzvah of Milah that we have within each of us the
ability to make changes for the better through our actions. ....
Just like Milah "perfects" the human form, our actions can "perfect"
our soul.........Have a good Shabbos........
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