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" Neither shall your name be called anymore Abram, but your name shall be Abraham"(17:5)

The numerical value of the name Abraham equals 248. This number is very significant in Torah. The Rabbis tell us that there are 248 limbs to the human body.(Please refer to Makkoth 23b).It should be noted that the Rabbis have their own methodology as to how to define a "limb". The number 248 is a number that represents the attainment of spiritual perfection (known in Hebrew as "SHALAMOS") whereby all 248 limbs serve G-d in unison. This is a state of complete devotion to G-d's glory. Abraham attained this status when G-d added the letter "HAI" which equals 5 to his previous name of Abram. The letter "HAI" (5) can perhapes teach us ,Bezrat Hashem, how we can also reach a state of "SHALAMOS". How so??????????? Their exists 5 basic elements with regard to Repentance as follows: (1)changing ones evil ways
(2) sincere regret
(3) confession to G-d of ones sins
(4)resolve not to repeat the sin
(5) doing good deeds, as it says in Psalms34:15, "Depart from evil, and do good......................................................"
Element # 5 is very significant in that the vacuum created by past sins must now be filled with good deeds !!!!!!!!!!!!! It ,therefore, becomes apparent that Repentance (TSHUVA--- in Hebrew) is the key to spiritual perfection as reflected in the letter "HAI" or number 5. Abraham knew all to well the power of changing his ways when he actively sought G-d in defiance against idolotry which was prevelent at the time. Have a good Shabbos..................................................


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