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This Torah thought is being dedicated to my beloved father, Nachman Shimon ben Yehuda Meir Hakohan, Z"L.
"And there went out the son of an Israelite woman, and he was the son of an Egyptian man, among the children of Israel......................................."(24:10) Rashi comments in the name of Rabbi Levi, From where did he go out? (The language of "going out" seems to be obscure. Thus the question, " From where did he go out from?") Therefore, Rabbi Levi answers that he went out from his Eternal Life ("Paradise"). This means that he was going on a path that was leading to sin.............................Its interesting to note that eventhou this person had a tainted pedigry, he still had a portion in the "World To Come"........ This is in keeping with the doctrine found in Sanhedrin 90a , "All Israel have a portion in the World To Come".. The noval concept of this statement is that every Jew has a portion in the World To Come initially, regardless of his or her social status by the mere fact that he or she is Jewish. A Jew is born with this distinction.................................. However, it is our duty in this world to retain our personal portion.We must all appreciate this distinction, and constantly endeavor to find ways and safeguards that will ensure that our portion is never forfeited, CHAS Ve SHALOM...........A good way to begin is by becoming acutely aware that such a portion exists. For how can we possibly safeguard something precious, if we dont even know it is in our possession?????? This "son of an Egyptian" did not realize the portion that he had possessed..............For if he had realized it, hes life would be drastically different..........He would forget about his own personal status and concentrate fully on serving Hashem, thus retaining and safeguarding his "Eternal Life' in Paradise..................He missed his opportunity..... What a tragic end.......................If he would have only appreciated that a portion was set aside for him, he could have been great...................................But we must learn from his mistake and grab hold of our own personal Portion ................................Do good deeds, learn more Torah. keep away from melicious gossip and conflicts......Fight for that which is rightfully your portion in " Eternal Life"... Never give up...........................................Have a Good Shabbos
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