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BO "G-d said to Moses,Come to Pharoah.................." (10:1) In Hebrew the word for "come" is BO...........If one were to take the numerical value of BO it equals 3 (bais=2 and alef =1) . G-d is telling Moses to go to Pharaoh with the power of 3..........Whats the significance of the number 3? In Shemos Rabbah 1:33, it states that the Israelites had distinguished themselves from the Egyptians in 3 ways as follows: (1) The Israelites maintained a distinctively Jewish dress . They dressed modestly........, (2) The Israelites spoke "Loshon Hakodesh" (Hebrew). It was devoid of all profanity.............,(3) They called their children by distinctively Israelite names. These names if analyzed mostly praise and glorify G-d, and do not emphasize mortal mans conceit in any way...................................... All these 3 distinctions have 1 common denomenator, namely modesty....... Eyptian society was to its core immoral and haughty , the opposite of the ideals promugated by Abraham, Issac and Jacob. However, G-d told Moses to "come" (BO) to Pharaoh with the power of these 3 distinctions as a merit to combat Eyptian immorality as hinted to in the very words of "BO". We must also learn from our forefathers the power of modesty when confronted with immorality in our own time, Bezrat Hashem. ....Have a good Shabbos.......................These Torah thoughts are original, bezrat Hashem...Please contact me with any comments.......................................................................
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