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" He (G-d) did not remove the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night from before the people " (13:22)

Hashem had provided the Israelites with 7 "Clouds of Glory" on their departure from Egpt. Four clouds enveloped the camp in all directions and provided shelter, the cloud above served as a covering from the hot sun, and one below smoothed the way from snakes and scorpions. The 7th cloud proceded in front of the camp to lead the way. It was replaced at night by a pillar of fire that provided light for their tents.(Mechilta Peshicta, Bashaloch)

Rashi comments that "...........that before the one (clouds) set the other (pillar of fire) arose" . (Please refer to Rashi)

It seems from Rashi that there was a period of time that overlaped between the 7 clouds and the pillar of fire , whereby, both ruled simultaneously........................

A question can be asked, what lesson can be learned from this occurance? Why did the 7 clouds and pillar of fire have to overlap?

The Torah is teaching us a tremendous lesson in the art of proper conduct and common courtesy................We see that the 7 clouds always waited before departing to greet and acknowledge the pillar of fire, and visa versa...................

Perhapes we should take a lesson and always acknowledge and honor our fellow friend with appreciation and kindness...

Similarly, in Pirkei Avots 2:10 it states the following: Rabbi Eliezer said, " Your friends honor should be as precious to you as your own..........................................." Deep down we all want to be appreciated and acknowledged............Perhapes, if we start to honor others properly, we will receive the same in return and make the world a better place to live in. All we actually need to do is simply smile at another person.....There is no better greeting than a smile......This might seem very small and trivial, but the cummulative effects can be trully great and significant...............Have a good Shabbos


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