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"........................and dust shall you eat all the days of your life" (3:14) One of the punishments given to the snake for causing Adam and Eve to sin was the punishment of eating dust. What specifically was this punishment, and what can we learn from this punishment in retrospect? I would like to propose, Bezrat Hashem, that the snake was punisment with loosing the ability to taste food since dust is tasteless.It seems from the verse that whatever the snake eats ,it will taste like dust (meaning the same), namely tasteless.This was an appropriate punishment for the following reason: According to Rashi (3:1) based on the Medrash, the snake desired Eve and wished to marry her. The snake ,therefore, schemed against Adam in order to cause his downfall......... thus making Eve available!!!! (Please refer to the Rashi for further details) The snake was jealous and dissatisfied with his lot............................The ability to taste food is a great kindness from G-d, namely for its ability to promote a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment from food. The snake was dissatisfied with his lot, and actively sought Adams downfall. The snake must now live a life of perpetual deprivation,namely by not being able to enjoy the satisfaction derived from being able to taste food.What a sorry state to be in, yet well deserved................................We must all realize the destructive power in dissatisfaction that will eventually breed jealousy.............Have a good Shabbos
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