Weekly Haftorah

by Reuben Ebrahimoff -
The Haftorahman



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The Haftarah for Shabbat Parashat Vayikra 5762

Only Hashem is Worthy of Being Worshipped

We read the Haftarah from Yeshayahu (Isaiah) Chapters 43:21-44:23

The Story Line of This Week's Haftorah: 43:21 The purpose of the Jewish people is to honor Hashem. 43:22-25 Hashem is disappointed, instead of honoring Hashem; we insult Hahem with sacrifices that are not acceptable. Hashem promises to accept Bnai Yisrael's Teshuva (repentance). 43:26-28 Hashem's prophet Isaiah restates that Bnai Yisrael deserves punishment. 44:1-5 The Haftorah takes a turn for the better, Isaiah speaks on behalf of Hashem and promises us future blessings. 44:6-8 Hashem declares he is "The one and only G-d and there is no other!" 46:9-16 The Haftorah explains the absurdity of idol worshiping. 46:17-22 The Prophet Isaiah encourages the Jews to do teshuva. 46:23 The Haftarah concludes with a declaration that Teshuva will bring about the redemption of the Jewish People.

The Haftorah's Connection between the Parasha and Haftorah: The Parasha of Vayikra speaks of the procedures involved in performing Korbanot (sacrifices). The Haftarah also speaks of Korbanot. In the Haftarah's case Isaiah says that Hashem was aware of that the same Jews that are performing sacrifices are also worshipping idols. That Judaism Plus is not acceptable to Hashem.

Haftorahman's Lesson of the week: From the Haftarah we can learn the Theory of Expand and Control. During The Prophet Isaiah's time the Jews thought they were "expanding" Judaism by adding Idol worshipping and they failed to control their procedures when performing sacrifices. Today, we must notice, are we expanding the doing of mitzvot that we should be doing and then are we controling ourselves from things we should not be doing. This week's Spiritual Homework is to pick one mitzvah that you can expand on and increase what you do and pick one sin you decrease what you do.


  • Isaiah's name means "Salvation of G-d".
  • Isaiah wrote his own book 66, chapters long.
  • His father was a prophet named Amoz.
  • They were Kohanim (Priests) from a royal family and had access to the Bait Hamikdash.
  • He was born in the year 765 b.c.e. (8th century) about 2760 years ago
  • Isaiah was 25 years old when he had his first prophetic vision.
  • After Moses he was considered to be the greatest of all prophets.
  • 4 prophets lived in Isaiah's time - Hosea. Amos, Michah and Isaiah.
  • Isaiah was born circumcised.
  • He survived 4 kings - Uzziah, Yotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah.
  • He lived 120 years.
  • Isaiah said he saw a "vision" of G-d's throne.
  • He had one wife and two sons.
  • He was killed by his father in law Menasheh the King of Judah.
  • He predicted Israel's demise.

Famous phrases by Isaiah: Ki metzion ta'tzai torah, udvar Hashem Ma'Yerushalaim. For from Zion will the Torah come forth, and the word of Hashem from Jerusalem.

Timeline: Isaiah prophecised about 2750 years ago.

Map: Isaiah prophecies in Jerusalem.

Written by: The Haftorahman - Reuven Gavriel ben Nissim Ebrahimoff 5762-2002

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