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The Haftarah for Parashat Terumah 5762![]()
King Shlomo (Solomon) constructs the Bait Hamikdash Read from the Book of Kings 1 (Melachim 1) , Chapters 5:26-6:13
The Story Line of This Week's Haftorah: Our Haftorah starts with the mention of King Solomon's Great wisdom. We continue with King Solomon and Hiram, King of Tyre (Located in what is Lebanon today) having a peace treaty. King Solomon recruits 30,000 men to work in Lebanon. He rotated 10,000 at a time. He sent each man up to Lebanon for one month and then they got to stay home for two months. There were 150,000 men working on the Temple with 3,300 supervisors. They started with moving huge stones to build the foundation of the Temple. We learn that 480 years after the Exodus and in the fourth year of King Solomon's rule (he was 16 at the time) he started building the temple. The temple, which King Solomon built, was 60 cubits long, 20 cubits wide and 30 cubits high. The text continues with additional specific information as to how the Temple was built. Once the temple was finished King Solomon paneled the temple with cedar boards and planks. The Haftorah concludes with Hashem's promise to King Solomon, "As for the temple you are building, if you follow my Torah I will keep my promise that I made to you and your father King David, I will dwell among you and I will not abandon you". The Haftorah's Connection between the Parasha and Haftorah: The Parasha tells us about the construction of the mishkan (traveling temple), which housed the sacred objects of the Jewish people. The Mishkan contained the Ark of the Covenant with its Cherubim, the Ten Commandments, the Menorah, and the Sacrificial Altar. In the Haftorah we read about the building of the Bait Hamikdash, which replaced the Mishkan after 480 years. ![]()
Haftorahman's Lesson of the week: We must remember what Hashem says, "Build me a House of Prayer and you will always find me there". Don't stay home on Shabbat; come to Synagogue (syn-like synonym or together, gogue - with G-d) and invite someone who normally wouldn't go to come with you. The biography of Shlomo ben David: :also known as King Solomon. Solomon was the King over the land and the nation of Israel during its greatest world power. We had the State of Israel, The City of Jerusalem, the Holy Temple, 613 commandments. Prophets, Priests and Kings. It was the best of times for the nation of Israel. Solomon was the smartest man that ever lived however his "brains went to his head". He was crowned king of Israel when he was 12 years old. He ruled for 40 years and passed away when he was 52 years old. He wrote 3 Books in the Tanach 1) Kohelet, Ecclesiastes, 2) Mishlai, (m-sh-l, like mashal) - Proverbs and 3) Shir Hasherim - The Song of Songs. He anticipated the real mother giving up her child to the other woman by suggesting that the child be split in half with a sword. He was very wealthy and by some estimation his wealth increased by $250,000,000 dollars a year. He owned 40,000 horses. He knew 3000 different explanations for each sentence in the Torah. He knew how to speak and understand all the languages of every animal. King Solomon built the 1st Bait Hamikdash (Holy Temple). He built Megiddo a northern fortress. He had 700 "wives" and 300 concubines. The Queen of Sheba, who was so impressed by the rumors of his absolute genius, she developed her own quizzes for King Solomon to test him. It is fabled that she traveled 7 years to appear in his court so she could see for her self how smart he was. She later commented that he was much smarter that his reputation. King Solomon established the following: The ritual washing of hands, the third blessing of the Bircat Ha'mazon, Boneh Yerushalayim, and the Eiruv (A string surrounding the outer perimeter of an area designating it as an area that you can carry things on Shabbat). Famous phrases: As the Torah is placed into the Ark; the Congregation recites the following verse taken from King Solomon's Mishlay or Proverbs. Chapter 4 verses 2-3, "Aytz chaim he lamachazikim bah, v'somcheha me'ushar. De'rache'ha darchei noam, v'chol nesevoseha shalom","It is a tree of life for those who grasp it, and it's supporters are praiseworthy. Its ways are ways of pleasantness and all its paths are peace".
Timeline: This story took place about 2831 years ago. ![]()
Map: This story took place about 2831 years ago.
Written by: The Haftorahman - Reuven Gavriel ben Nissim Ebrahimoff 5762-2001
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