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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 44, v. 18: "Bi adoni" - Through my proper behaviour as a Yehudi, Adoni, you are my Master. One cannot be a king without a nation upon which to rule. (Rabbi Zvi Hersh of Ziditchov in Beis Yisroel)

Alternatively, "In me is my Master." Just as Hashem is king in all realms, so too, I am His representative on earth, as Yehudoh is the ancestor of the kingly lineage. (Degel Machaneh Efrayim)

Alternatively, when my Master is embodied in me, i.e. I totally subordinate myself to doing Hashem's bidding, then "v'al yichar apcho b'avdecho," You will not readily be brought to anger against your loyal servant. (Rabbi Yisroel of Kozhnitz in Avodas Yisroel)

Ch. 44, v. 18: "V'al yichar apcho b'avdecho ki chomocho k'Faroh" - Even though I have within me an elevated spiritual side, "bi Adoni," please don't be angry with me when I fall short of Your expectations, because just as I have a positive side, "ki chomocho, I also have a n evil inclination, "k'Faroh." (Shpoler Zeide in Divrei Sholo-m)

Ch. 44, v. 25: "Shivru lonu m'at" - Through holding ourselves humble, "m'at," we can break our evil drives, "shivru lonu." (Rabbi Yechezkel of Radomsk in Knesses Yechezkel)

Alternatively, we can break our negative traits by starting off with limiting our alimentary intake, "m'at ochel."

Alternatively, "shuvu shivru lonu m'at ochel," we can be brought to repentance, "shuvu," by limiting our food intake. (Rabbi Moshe Elyokum Brioh of Kozhnitz in Daas Moshe)

Ch. 44, v. 32,33: "Ki av'd'cho orav es hanaar mei'im ovi, Yeishev noh av'd'cho tachas hanaar" - Since we each have the responsibility to Hashem our Father, to see that every fellow ben Yisroel follow the dictates of the Torah, "arvus," in particular the older generation has to guide the younger one, "l'hazhir hagdolim al haktanim,"

Therefore if my younger brother has stolen, it is appropriate for me to be incarcerated in his place. (Nirreh li)

Ch. 45, v. 2: "Va'yi'tein es kolo bivchi" - Yoseif cried because now that all his brothers were in Egypt the exile was beginning. (Ponim Yofos)

Ch. 45, v. 4: "Asher m'chartem osi" - We derive from "asher," the blessing "y'yasher kochacho," as in "asher shibarto" (Shmos 34:1), "y'yasher kochacho sheshibarto" (gemara Shabbos 87a). Here too, "Thank you for selling me. Through your actions I have been elevated to kinghood and have saved Egypt and surrounding countries from starvation. (Sfas Emes)

Ch. 45, v. 5: "V'a'toh al tei'otzvu" - "Attoh," now, refers to teshuvoh (M.R. Breishis). When you repent, feel sorry that you sinned, but don't fall into melancholy, "al tei'otzvu." (Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kosov in Ahavas Sholo-m)

Ch. 45, v. 7: "Losum lochem sh'eiris bo'oretz ulhachayos lochem" - In verse 5 Yoseif said, "L'michyoh shlochani Elokim lifneichem." Yoseif told his brothers that he would be the conduit for his family for the 3 key blessings, "bonay, chayay, u'm'zonay." "Sh'eiris bo'oretz = "bonay," "ulhachayos lochem" = "chayay," "l'michyoh" = "m'zonay." (Rabbi Yehoshua of Dzhikov in Aterres Y'shuoh)

Ch. 45, v. 20: "V'einchem al tochos al klei'chem" - Don't pamper your vessel, your body, which is only a vessel for your soul. (Rabbi Meir of Apt in Ohr Lashomayim)

Ch. 45, v. 24: "Al tir'g'zu ba'derech" - Yoseif's brothers, in their tremendous concern for their father, wanted to immediately rush post-haste back to their father and deliver the good tidings, thus alleviating him from his anguish of thinking that Yoseif was not alive. Yoseif told them to not rush, but rather, to proceed at a normal pace, since Hashem had proclaimed that Yaakov would miss Yoseif for 22 years, the same amount of time that he was responsible for being away from his parents. This would be fulfilled to the second and no amount of rushing would hurry the process. (The Holy Admor of Kotzk in Amud Ho'emes)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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