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on the Weekly Parsha

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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 6, v. 5: "V'gam ani shomati es naakas bnei Yisroel asher Mitzrayim maavidim osom" - "V'gam," and in spite of My knowing that the bnei Yisroel cried out to Me not of their own volition, but rather, because Mitzrayim is mercilessly working them to the bone, I still listen to their cry. (Rabbi Moshe Yoseif of Zalozhitz in Bris Avrom)

Ch. 6, v. 5: "Naakas bnei Yisroel asher Mitzrayim maavidim osom" - The cry of the bnei Yisroel is that they are not serving me through self-motivation, but rather, only because Egypt works them mercilessly. (Oheiv Yisroel)

Ch. 6, v. 6: "Emore livnei Yisroel ani Hashem" - Tell the bnei Yisroel that they will leave Egypt in the merit of "ani Hashem," their belief in Me. (Kedushas Yom Tov)

Ch. 6, v. 13: "Va'y'tza'veim el bnei Yisroel …… l'hotzi es bnei Yisroel mei'eretz Mitzroyim" - In verse 9 we find the bnei Yisroel not responding to the message that they would be redeemed from Egypt. Hashem now told Moshe to relate to the bnei Yisroel that they must leave Egypt as the fulfillment of Hashem's command, "va'y'tza'veim," that they leave. (Rabbi Shlomo of Munkatch in Chaim V'sholo-m)

Ch. 6, v. 25: "Va'tei'led lo es Pinchos" - The descendants of the family of Levi in our parsha stop with the birth of Pinchos. This covers the gamut of redeemers of the bnei Yisroel, starting with Moshe, and ending with "Pinchos hu Eliyohu" with the coming of Moshiach bb"o. (Rabbi Zvi Hersh of Liska in Ach Pri Svu'oh)

Ch. 6, v. 30: "Hein ani aral s'fosayi " - "Hein" is an expression for one alone, as in "hen am 'l'vovod yishkone" (Bmidbar 23:9). Moshe said, "Hein ani," I am one alone since the bnei Yisroel themselves have not rallied behind me. If so, I am incapacitated in any attempt to convince Paroh to release the bnei Yisroel. (Nirreh li)

Ch. 7, v. 7: "V'soru hatz'fardim" - See how severe the sin of loshon hora is. Paroh and his nation so justifiably deserved the plagues, but with Moshe just praying, the plague abated. When the bnei Yisroel spoke loshon hora, Moshe's prayer wasn't enough. He also had to create a copper form of a snake and use that as a tool to bring the bnei Yisroel to repent, before the venomous snakes would leave. (Holy Chofetz Chaim)

Ch. 7, v. 9: "Tnu lochem mofeis" - Give a conclusive sign "lochem," that you two are the designated messengers of Hashem. (Rabbi Dovid of Kotzk in Likutim Chadoshim)

Ch. 8, v. 7: "Rak ba'y'ore tisho'arnoh" - This dispels Paroh's claim that the plague was a result of magic. Magic is negated when placed into water. Here the frogs were left specifically in water and they continued to exist. (Mo'ore Voshemesh)

Ch. 8, v. 18: "L'vilti heyose shom orove" - There should be no adulteration in the bnei Yisroel's service of Hashem. (Beis Yisroel of Gur)

Ch. 8, v. 19: "V'samti f'dus bein ami u'vein a'mecho" - Paroh might mistakenly think that the bnei Yisroel are not deserving of being redeemed, as they are so steeped in the culture and values of the Egyptians. This is why Hashem told Moshe to relate to Paroh that "I will differentiate (redeem, see Targum Onkelos), whether they are "ami," they behave as My nation, or even if they are "a'mecho," ch"v they behave as your Egyptian nation. In any case they will be redeemed. (The Sorof of Maglinitza)

The Baal Haturim brings the "mesoroh" of the word "p/f'dus" in three places. Our verse, "P'dus sholach l'amo" (T'hilim 111:9), and "V'harbeih imo f'dus" (T'hilim 130:7). Perhaps with the Sorof's insight we can say: I will send redemption whether they are My nation our your nation, as is written "P'dus sholach l'amO," without stating the antecedent of the suffix HIS, as it is a redemption in any case, and this is because Hashem is so very magnanimous to His nation, "v'harbeih imo f'dus." (Nirreh li)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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