Chasidic Insights

on the Weekly Parsha

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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 6, v. 2: "Tzav" - Rashi says that this word connotes alacrity. This is because once there is a command, a "tzav," one is a "metzu'veh," and the evil inclination fights the person who wants to do the mitzvoh (Tosfos Kidushin). (Rabbi Yechiel Mayer of Gestinin)

Ch. 6, v. 2: "Hee ho'oloh al mokdoh" - M.R. Vayikra 7:6 says that whoever is haughty is judged with fire. "Hee ho'oloh," whoever elevates himself and acts arrogantly, "al mokdoh," will be on the fire. (The Holy Shalo"h)

Ch. 6, v. 3: "V'heirim es ha'deshen" - The Chovas Halvovos shaar haknioh chapter #6 writes that giving this mitzvoh to the Kohanim, including even the Kohein Godol, teaches that even the Kohein in the highest position should behave in a most humble manner.

Ch. 6, v. 3: "V'heirim es ha'deshen" - And Hashem will elevate the one who considers himself "deshen," worthless ash. (Rabbi Yisroel of Modzitz in Divrei Yisroel)

Ch. 6, v. 4: "Ufoshat es b'godov" - At the end of one's life they will remove his clothing, "ufoshat es b'godov," and replace it with shrouds, "v'lovash b'godim acheirim," and they will move his fattened body to outside the city, "v'hotzi es ha'deshen el michutz lamacha'neh," and his spirit will be brought to the pure and holy celestial court for judgment, "el mokome tohor." (Rabbi Zvi Zimlinski of Baronowitz)

Ch. 6, v. 5: "Tukad bo lo sichbeh" - Only when the fiery enthusiasm burns in the inner recesses of a person, "tukad BO," will it surely not be extinguished, "lo sichbeh." (Rabbi Shachna Zvi of Nemirov in Ho'rei V'somim)

Ch. 6, v. 6: "Aish tomid tukad al hamizbei'ach lo sichbeh" - The gemara Yerushalmi Yoma 4:6 says that "tomid" teaches us that the fire shall always burn, even when the Mishkon was disassembled and they were traveling to their next encampment location. Not only should a person serve Hashem with fiery enthusiasm when he has the optimum environment, at home, with his family, his shul or shteebl, his mentor and his chevrah, but also when he travels and is away from all this, he should likewise serve Hashem with the same fiery enthusiasm. (Hadrash V'ho'iyun)

Ch. 7, v. 10: "V'chol minchoh v'luloh vashemen vacha'reivoh .. ti'h'yeh ish k'ochiv" - Rashi explains that the minchoh offering that has oil added is that of a donour, while the dry minchoh offering is that of a sinner. The Kohanim should not be judgmental, and treat the sinner as they treat the donour, "ish k'ochiv." (Rabbi Shlomo of Radomsk in Tiferes Shlomo)

Ch. 7, v. 37: "Zose haTorah lo'oloh laminchoh v'lachatos v'lo'oshom" - This is the Torah. It can be for elevating oneself, "lo'oloh," and for a present to Hashem, i.e. giving Him nachas, "laminchoh." But it can also ch"v be "v'lachatos, v'lo'oshom," a source for sinning, as per the gemara's dictum "Lo zochoh naasoh sam hamo'ves" (Yoma 72b). (Holy Baal Shem Tov)

Ch. 8, v. 4: "Va'yaas Moshe kaasher tzivoh Hashem oso vatiko'heil ho'eidoh" - It is only in the merit of Moshe's doing Hashem's bidding that the congregation assembled at the doorway of the Ohel Mo'eid to hear his words. (Admor of Kotzk in Ohel Torah)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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