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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 25, v. 11: "Pinchos ben Elozor ben Aharon haKohein" - The Holy Zohar says that Pinchos was so frightened upon entering the room where Zimri was sinning, fearing being killed by Zimri's fellow tribesmen, that his soul left him. Hashem revived him by placing the souls of both Nodov and Avihu into him. With his courageous act Pinchos corrected the flaws of Nodov and Avihu. They brought a foreign fire that they were NOT COMMANDED to bring, while Pinchos with fiery zealousness acted properly, although he was also not commanded to do so, "boh limloch ein morin lo" (gemara Sanhedrin 82a). As well, they sinned by giving a halachic ruling in front of Moshe. Pinchos also ruled in front of Moshe, but did so correctly, as Moshe momentarily forgot that "kano'im pogin bo." (Chidushei HoRi"m)

Ch. 25, v. 11: "B'kano es kinosi b'SOCHOM" - The Sforno comments on the word "b'SOCHOM" that the verse stresses Pinchos's acting zealously "in the midst of the people." All saw Pinchos act and yet no one stopped him. This atones for their sin of seeing Zimri do a most despicable act and not stopping him. During a visit to Yerusholayim by the Holy Admor of Satmar, Rabbi Amrom Blau, the Yerushalmi zealot, came to see the Rebbi. Rabbi Blau bemoaned the difficulties he had in keeping up the standard of Torah without compromise. He added that when he went to publicly complain about anti-Torah policies, even those who claimed to be stalwart Torah standard bearers did not join him in his zealous activities. The Holy Rebbi responded that we see from these words of the Sforno that it should be sufficient for Rabbi Amrom that he is not stopped by others in his own camp. (Olomos Shechorvu)

Ch. 25, v. 17,18: "Tzorore es haMidyonim, Ki tzorarim heim lochem b'nichlei'hem" - Why does the verse uses the present tense "tzorarim," rather than the past tense "tzor'ru," as their causing the bnei Yisroel to sin with their woman had already taken place? Secondly, why does the verse say "b'nichlei'hem," - with their diabolical plans, as the Midyonim did much more than just plan? They brought their plans into the realm of action when they caused the bnei Yisroel to sin. The physical sinning was minor compared to the long lasting affects. The Midyonim caused the bnei Yisroel to sin by having licentious thoughts in the future. Thus they diabolically PLANNED, "b'nichlei'hem," this long term effect, and its effects are still being felt, "tzorarim." (Noam Elimelech)

Ch. 29, v. 13: "Kvosim bnei shonoh arbo'oh ossor" - Sheep under a year of age fourteen - Rashi (Medrash Tadshei ch. 11) in verse eighteen says that the total of 98 sheep (14 sheep per day for 7 days) counters the 98 admonishments in parshas Ki Sovo. Why where the 98 sheep offered specifically during Sukos and not on another festival?

The admonishments come about in the main for not serving Hashem with joy (Dvorim 28:47). Since Sukos is the festival of "V'somachto b'cha'gecho, .. v'hoyiso ach so'mei'ach" (Dvorim 16:14,15), it is the appropriate time to counter serving Hashem without joy. (Avnei Nezer)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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