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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 25, v. 11: "B'kano es kinosi b'sochom" - Pinchos drilled My vengeance into their hearts, "b'sochom," to the point that they will be unable to tolerate sinners. (The Holy Admor of Kotzk)

Ch. 25, v. 12: "Nosein lo" - Since Pinchos is Eliyohu and will live forever, I give him personally (in the present tense), "NOSEIN lo," My covenant forever. (Rabbi Avrohom of Kalisk in Chesed l'Avrohom)

Ch. 25, v. 12: "Es brisi sholo-m" - Peace is achieved when seemingly diverse forces unify and thus coexist. Pinchos, by being the descendant of both a person who fattened calves that were to be offered to idols and Aharon the Kohein Godol, was himself a descendant of diverse ancestors who produced him. Thus he is a most befitting person to receive a covenant of peace. (Toldos Yaakov Yoseif)

Ch. 25, v. 13: "Tachas asher ki'nei lEilokov va'y'cha'peir al bnei Yisroel" - Although in this lower world, "tachas," it seems that Pinchos's act was brazen zealousness, but in reality his intention was to bring atonement, "va'y'cha'peir al bnei Yisroel." (Rabbi Yisroel of Rizhin in Kerem Yisroel)

Ch. 25, v. 14: "V'sheim ish Yisroel hamu'keh" - Earlier in 25:6 where the Torah relates the immoral act of this man his name is not mentioned. Since he sinned so gravely we apply the words "v'sheim r'sho'im yirkov" (Mishlei 10:7). It is only after he was killed, which served as atonement for his sin was his name reinstated in our verse. (Arvei Nachal)

Ch. 25, v. 17: "Tzoror es haMidyonim" - In the next verse Rashi points out that there was no command to destroy Moav, only Midyon. The Moabites only caused the bnei Yisroel to sin through their actions, while the Midyonim caused them to contaminate their minds, a much more dangerous and insidious act. (Rabbi Moshe Yoseif of Zolozhitz in Bris Avrom)

Ch. 26, v. 11: "Uvnei Korach lo meisu" - Although Korach and his cohorts died, nevertheless, his descendents live on. They are those who cause strife and discord in all later generations. (Rabbi Mendel of Riminov in Agro D'kaloh)

Ch. 26, v. 54: "L'fi f'kudov yutan nachaloso" - Rashi says that the land apportionments were given through "ruach haKodesh." Each person's allotment was given according to his "p'kudoh," spiritual position. This could only be done through Hashem who recognizes each persons position and corresponding spirituality invested in each parcel of land. (Rabbi Yisochor Dov of Belz in Imros Kodesh)

Ch. 27, v. 16: "Ish al ho'eidoh" - A proper leader has to be "AL ho'eidoh," on top of the congregation, and not below them, i.e. swayed by their whims. (Degel Machaneh Efrayim)

Ch. 27, v. 16,17: "Ish al ho'eidoh, .. v'lo s'h'yeh adas Hashem katzone asher ein lohem ro'eh" - A proper leader must be an exalted man, ISH, and the congregation should not be lead by one who is "ein," a nothing. (Rabbi Sho'ul Yedidyoh of Modzitz in Imrei Sho'ul)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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