Chasidic Insights

on the Weekly Parsha

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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 6, v. 9: "Toldos Noach Noach" - Noach continuously improved and elevated himself, to the point that he was a totally new person. Noach's progeny were himself. (Rabbi Yitzchok the Holy Admor of Vorke) Alernatively, Noach did not rely upon his children to behave righteously and make up for any of his shortcomings, as is a common attitude. Noach was, so to say, his own child, making sure that he himself be a "tzadik tomim." (Rabbi Aharon Yaakov of Alexander in Beis Yaakov)

Ch. 10, v. 10: "Va'y'hi reishis mamlachto Bo'vel" - The main thing that a person should attain mastery over is the Babylonian Talmud. (Rabbi Zvi Hersh of Ziditchov)

Ch. 11, v. 7: "Asher lo yish'm'u ish sfas rei'eihu" - The ability for the bnei Yisroel to exist, a sheep among 70 wolves, is by virtue of the heathen nations not understanding each others' language, i.e. always quibbling with each other. (Mo'ore Voshemesh)

Ch. 11, v. 17: "Va'yichi Eiver acharei holido es Peleg" - The life's pursuit of an Ivri, a Yid, is that he give birth to Peleg, separation from evil. (Rabbi Yehoshua of Dzikov in Aterres Y'shuoh)

Ch. 11, v. 30: "Va't'hi Sorai akoroh ein loh volod" - Once the verse tells us that she was barren, why the need to add that she had no child? Since the gemara Sanhedrin 19b says that he who teaches his friend's child Torah, it is as if he sired him, Sorai was a spiritual mother for all the women whom she brought to knowledge of Hashem. "Ein loh volod" tells us that she was only barren from having a physical child. (B'eir Mayim Chaim)

Ch. 11, v. 32: "Va'yomos Terach b'Choron" - Rashi says that although Terach died many years after Avrohom left him, the Torah mentioned Terach's death earlier so that later generations should not say that Avrohom did not properly fulfill the mitzvoh of honouring one's parents. A child always absorbs some of the values and character traits of his parents, thus perpetuating his parents. Avrohom, however, worked on himself to the point that he eradicated all negative aspects that he absorbed from his father before leaving him. Thus Terach truly died before Avrohom left him from the point of not having his values carried on in Avrohom. (Imrei Emes)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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