Chasidic Insights

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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 21, v. 1: "V'ei'leh hamishpotim" - Rashi says that the juxtaposition of monetary laws to the Ten Commandments teaches us that just as the Ten Commandments were given at Har Sinai, so too, even monetary laws were given at Har Sinai. Even though one might think that monetary laws are totally based on logic, this juxtaposition teaches us that they are Divinely based, just as statutes are. (Chidushei Hori"m)

Ch. 21, v. 1: "V'ei'leh hamishpotim asher tosim lifneihem" - You should place the laws of the Torah ahead of "them," the people's personal interests. (Rabbi Simchoh Bunim of Parshis'cha in Sfas Emes)

Ch. 22, v. 26: "V'hoyoh ki yitzak eilay v'shomati" - "V'hoyoh" connotes happiness. Even if you are going through difficulties, if you maintain a semblance of happiness when you cry out to Me in prayer, realizing that all comes from Hashem, then "v'shomati," I will hearken to your prayers. (Rabbi Shoul Y'didyoh of Modzitz in Imrei Shoul)

Ch. 22, v. 30: "V'ANSHEI kodesh ti'h'yun li" - Hashem does not want holy angels serving him on earth. Be holy HUMANS! (Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk in Sfas Emes and Siach Sarfei Kodesh)

Ch. 23, v. 5: "Ozove taazove imo" - Forsake your hatred of your brother and he in turn will forsake his ill feelings towards you. (Rabbi Ben Zion of Bobov in K'dushas Zion)

Ch. 23, v. 7: "Midvar sheker tirchok" - Through lies you will distance yourself (from Hashem). (Rabbi Zisha of Anipoli in Menoras Zohov)

Ch. 23, v. 7: "Tirchok" - All safeguards that are added to mitzvos are Rabbinically instituted. However, the prohibition against saying a falsehood has an explicit Torah safeguard, "midvar sheker TIRCHOK." (Rabbi Simchoh Bunim of Parshis'cha in Shem miShmuel)

Ch. 23, v. 13: "Uv'chole asher omarti a'leichem tisho'meiru" - If you abide by all the laws of safe guarding other's property that I have told you earlier in our parsha, then "tisho'meiru," you will create an aura of Celestial guarding for yourself. (Rabbi Yehudoh Leibel Eiger of Lublin in Toras Emes)

Ch. 23, v. 20: "Hi'nei onochi sholei'ach maloch" - Rashi says that this angel was M-T-T-R-N. Specifically this angel was sent because he was originally Chanoch as per Targum Yonoson ben Uziel and others on Breishis 5:24. By having once lived on this world in the form of a human being, he is understanding of the challenges and frailty of people. (Rabbi Shoul Y'didyoh of Modzitz in Imrei Sho'ul)

Ch. 23, v. 21: "Ki lo yiso l'fishachem ki shmi b'kirbo" - If one does not elevate himself and act haughtily, then the result will be that, "ki shmi b'kirbo," I will rest in him, in a humble person only. (Rabbi Chaim Mayer of Viznitz in Imrei Chaim)

Ch. 23, v. 26: "Lo s'h'yeh m'sha'keiloh vaakoroh b'artzhecho" - When involved with physical pursuits, "artzius," see to it that there is nothing that is not productive, "m'sha'keiloh vaakoroh," towards spirituality. (Rabbi Yitzchok of Nesh'chiz in Toldos Yitzchok)

Ch. 24, v. 12: "A'lei eilay hohoroh ve'h'yei shom" - Even after you have elevated yourself, "ve'h'yei shom," remain on that level and do not fall. (Rabbi Sho'ul Y'didyoh of Modzitz in Imrei Sho'ul)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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