by Zvi Akiva Fleisher
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CHASIDIC INSIGHTS PARSHAS KI SOVO from 5765 BS"DCh. 26, v. 11: "V'somachto v'chol hatov asher nosan l'cho Hashem Elokecho u'l'vei'secho atoh v'haLevi v'ha'geir" - Your greatest joy should not be in the good that you have received, but rather, in the fact that it was given to you by Hashem. (Tiferes Shlomo - The Holy Admor of Radomsk) Alternatively, your greatest joy should not be in the good that you have received, but rather, in your sharing it with your family, the Levi, and the convert. (Va'y'da'beir Moshe) Ch. 26, v. 13: "Lo ovarti mimitzvosecho v'lo shochochti" - Sometimes people get so bogged down with the halachic minutiae of a mitzvoh that they totally lose sight of their connection with Hashem, the One who commanded that we perform the mitzvoh in the first place. Hence, the person who brings his first ripened offering states that he has not forgotten Hashem Who has commanded that we do the mitzvoh. We sometimes get so involved in a mitzvoh that we forget the "M'tza'veh". (Sfas Emes) Ch. 26, v. 14: "V'lo viarti mi'menu b'to'mei" - Even when I have served Hashem with great enthusiasm and fire, at which time it is more likely to overlook negative side affects, I have made sure to not allow such defilement to come about. (Rabbi Meir of Dzhikov in Imrei Noam) Ch. 26, v. 19: "Ulsitcho elyon al kol hagoyim asher ossoh lis'hiloh ulsheim ulsifo'res" - The creation of the Jewish nation is justified even if only to show the elevation between their pursuits compared to those of the other nations, "asher ossoh," who each pursues, "lis'hiloh ulsheim ulsifo'res," to be praised, to be renowned, and to be glorified. (Rabbi Avrohom Yisochor of Radomsk in Chesed l'Avrohom) Ch. 27, v. 8: "Es kol divrei haTorah hazose ba'eir HEI'TEIV" - Even though the Torah contains admonitions, many of them contained in our parsha, nevertheless, the words of the Torah should be written in a manner that allows the righteous people of each generation to interpret them as a blessing (see gemara Taanis 20a). This is the intention of "ba'eir HEI'TEIV," - allow the words to be explained in a positive manner. (Noam Elimelech) Ch. 28, v. 38: "Zera rav totzi haso'deh um'at te'esofe" - If you will sow, dispense, a lot of charity, as per the verse, "Ziru lochem litzdokoh," then, "u'mat te'esofe," in a short time later you will be collected in Eretz Yisroel with the coming of Moshiach, "v'sho'vehoh vitzdokoh." (Rabbi Yaakov Zvi of Dinov in Emes l'Yaakov) Ch. 28, v. 67: "Baboker tomar mi yi'tein erev uvo'erev tomar mi yi'tein boker" - In your youth, the dawn of your life, your evil inclination will say, "Enjoy life! You will have plenty of time in your old age, when your body will not be able to enjoy life to the hilt, to study Torah and do mitzvos." When you get old, "uvo'erev," at the dusk of life, your evil inclination will say, "I am too old, my mind is not clear, and my body is not strong enough to do many of the mitzvos. How I wish that I was at the dawn of life, "mi yi'tein boker.'" So simply don't listen to him and make good use of every precious moment. (P'ninim Y'korim) A GUTTEN SHABBOS KODESH. FEEDBACK IS APPRECIATED. FEEL FREE TO DISTRIBUTE BY COPY OR ELECTRONICALLY. TO SUBSCRIBE SEND REQUEST TO SHOLOM613@ROGERS.COM. See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh |
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