by Zvi Akiva Fleisher
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CHASIDIC INSIGHTS PARSHAS HAAZINU 5764 BS"DCh. 32, v. 1: "Haazinu hashomayim" - When you hear the mitzvos, do it with a heavenly slant. Do not think along the lines of "What's in it for me?" (The Holy Admor of Kotzk) Ch. 32, v. 1: "Vaada'beiroh v'sishma ho'oretz imrei fi" - I can speak with strength in a demanding manner to the heavens (dibur=koshoh), provided that I am a spokesman for people who on this earth comply with Hashem's wishes, "v'sishma ho'oretz imrei fi." (Nirreh li) Ch. 32, v. 2: "Yaarofe kamottor likchi" - Just as rain serves it purpose only upon descending to the earth, so too, a leader who preaches to his congregation will only be successful if he lowers himself to the congregation's level, i.e. he understands their situations. (Rabbi Yisroel of Tchortkov in Ginzei Yisroel) Ch. 32, v. 3: "Ki shim Hashem ekro hovu godel lEilokeinu" - When one is about to begin praying to Hashem, "Ki sheim Hashem ekro," he should first concentrate on the greatness of Hashem, "hovu godel lEilokeinu." (Rabbi Yechezkel of Radomsk in Knesses Yechezkel) Ch. 32, v. 4: "Keil emunoh v'ein o'vel" - If one has complete faith in Hashem, "ein o'vel," he never feels that Hashem has wronged him. (Rabbi Moshe Yoseif of Zholozhitz in Bris Avrom) Ch. 32, v. 5: "Shicheis lo lo bonov mumom" - A good leader who sees that his flock is on a low level places the flaw upon himself, "Shicheis lo," and not on his children, his flock, "lo bonov mumom." A bad leader exonerates himself of any fault, "Shicheis lo lo." Instead he blames it upon his flock, "bonov mumom." (Toldos Yaakov Yoseif) Ch. 32, v. 7: "Binu shnos dor vodor" - Contemplate the repeat appearance through reincarnation, "shnos," of generation after generation, because they fell short of their duty. (Rabbi Chaim Meir of Moglinitza in Tiferes Chaim) Ch. 32, v. 10: "Yimtzo'eihu b'eretz midbor" - Even if a person has fallen to a very low level, "midbor," where there is no (spiritual) sustenance, he should not fall into despair. Even there "yimtzo'eihu," he can find Hashem and elevate himself. (Rabbi Meir of Apt in Ohr Lashomayim) Ch. 32, v. 15: "Va'yishman Yeshurum va'yivot" - We are called either Yaakov, Yisroel, or Yeshurun. Yaakov is the lowest level, Yisroel the middle level, and Yeshurun the highest. There is the fear that because we think so highly of ourselves, Yeshurun, that we feel we are spiritually satiated, and can ch"v come to lash out. (Nirreh li) Ch. 32, v. 39: "R'u atoh ki ani ani hu" - See to immediately repent ("atoh" refers to teshuvoh). I am I. I remain the same as your sins do not ch"v diminish Hashem in any manner. Just as before you have sinned I was close to you, so too, I remain the same, eager to be close to you. All I ask of you is to repent. (Rabbi Hersch Lisker in Ach Pri Svuoh)
GMAR CHASIMOH TOVOH! A GUTTEN SHABBOS KODESH. See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh |
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