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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 32, v. 9: "Ki chei'lek Hashem amo" - Hashem and His nation are one unit that cannot be separated. (Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Riminov in Menachem Tzion)

Ch. 32, v. 9: "Ki chei'lek Hashem amo" - The mishneh in Pirkei Ovos 4:1 says that one who is happy with his lot is considered wealthy. Our verse can be understood as saying that Hashem's lot is His nation. We truly hope that Hashem is "so'mei'ach b'chelko," his nation, in spite of its shortcomings. (Nirre li)

Ch. 32, v. 12: "Hashem bodod yanchenu v'ein imo eil neichor" - If one thinks so little of himself that he feels he deserves to be alone, that no one would want to have contact with him, then "Hashen yanchenu," Hashem will guide him. However, if one is so haughty that he feels "v'ein imo," that he is in a league to himself, then "Keil neichor," Hashem will respond to him as if He is a stranger. (The Holy Chozeh of Lublin)

Ch. 32, v. 18: "Tzur y'lodcho teshi vatishkach Keil m'chol'lecho" - Hashem has given you the ability to forget so that you may forget the misbehavior of others. However, you have misused this gift and have used it to forget the kindnesses that Hashem has bestowed upon you. (Rabbi Zev Volf of Zabarz in Mayim Rabim)

Ch. 32, v. 18: "Y'lodcho teshi vatishkach Keil m'chol'lecho" - Unfortunately, sometimes people fall short of proper service of Hashem and rely on their being the descendants of great people to protect themselves from retribution. Our verse says, "y'lodcho teshi," if you forget those who have brought about your birth, "vatishkach," and then you will find, "Keil m'chol'lecho," Hashem Who has created you. (Rabbi Mordechai of Kremenitz in Ohr Tzadikim)

Ch. 32, v. 20: "Astiroh fonay mei'hem e'reh moh acharisom" - Even at a time of "hester ponim," hiding of Hashem's countenance of kindness, we are consoled that "e'reh," Hashem is still watching over us. (Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Of Shinov in Divrei Yechezkel)

Ch. 32, v. 28: "V'ein bo'hem t'vunoh" - If they realize that they are naught, "v'ein," then "bo'hem t'vunoh," they have proper insight. (Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Viznitz in Tzemach Tzadik)

Ch. 32, v. 39: "Ki ani ani hu" - I am the same One who sends sickness and recovery to good health, who puts to death, and brings back to life; even though they seem to be contradictory acts, they all emanate from Me. (Rabbi Yisroel of Koznitz in Avodas Yisroel)

Ch. 32, v. 39: "V'ein Elokim imodi" - Even when one seemingly views Hashem's actions as strict judgment, there is no Elokim, the name of strict judgment, with Me. All is done as an act of mercy to bring a person back to a straight path or to cleanse him of sin. (Raabi Avrohom of Porisov in Z'chusa d'Avrohom)

Ch. 32, v. 39: "V'ein miyodi matzil" - When one is humble, "v'ein," he considers himself as negligible, "miyodi matzil," he will be spared the punishment of My hand. (Rabbi Mordechai of Nadvorna in Maamar Mordechai)

Ch. 32, v. 43: "V'chi'peir admoso" - One should cleanse himself of his earthiness. (Rabbi Yaakov Dovid of Amshinov)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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