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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 7, v. 12: "V'hoyoh eikev tish'm'un" - The next verse goes on to enumerate the worldly rewards for complying with Hashem's dictates. These rewards should be "eikev," the heel, the lowest level of reward. The greatest reward should be the opportunity to do Hashem's wishes. (Kedushas Levi)

Alternatively, one knows that he has properly done Hashem's wishes when "eikev tish'm'un," after he has hearkened to Hashem's wishes, he feels "v'hoyoh," joyful. (Yeitev Lev)

Ch. 7, v. 12: "Ushmartem vaasi'sem" - If you will wait, and anticipate the opportunity to do a mitzvoh, and then fulfill it. (Chasam Sofer)

Ch. 8, v. 19: "V'hoyoh im shocho'ach tishkach es Hashem Elokecho" - "V"hoyoh" is an expression of joy. What joy is there in ch"v forgetting Hashem? Read these words as: "If you forget to serve Hashem with "v'hoyoh," with joy, then it will ch"v lead to "tishkach es Hashem Elokecho." (Rabbi Yisroel of Rizhin)

Ch. 9, v. 10: "B'yom hakohol" - How poetic a description of the awesome day of receiving the Torah! The term "kohol" is used when referring to nation building, such as a marriage, "Lo yovo .. biK'HAL Hashem." The day of receiving the Torah was the day of the marriage between Hashem and the bnei Yisroel. (Nirreh li)

Ch. 9, v. 17: "Vo'ashabreim l'ei'neichem" - When Yoseif incarcerated Shimon (Breishis 44:24), he did so "in front of their eyes, "va'ye'esor oso l'ei'neihem." Rashi comments that Yoseif did so only "in their view," but as soon as the brothers left, Yoseif released Shimon, wined, and dined him. Similarly here, Moshe only broke the tablets "l'ei'neichem," to their view. Although the physical tablets were broken, the essence of their words was still available to the bnei Yisroel, as the letters flew upwards, but were not destroyed. (Sfas Emes)

Ch. 10, v. 1: "P'sol l'cho" - Negate pursuits that are only for yourself. (Yeitev Lev)

Ch. 10, v. 6: "Moseiroh shom meis Aharon" - Rashi asks that Aharon did not die in Moseiroh, but rather, in Hor Hohor. He answers that although Aharon died in Hor Hohor, when he died the clouds of glory left and some of the bnei Yisroel were afraid to do combat with the king of Arod. They started heading back to Egypt, and retraced their steps back to Moseiroh. The tribe of Levi would not allow this, ran after them, and finally caught up and did battle with them in Moseiroh. It was only after this that they mourned the loss of Aharon. Aharon was the paradigm and epitome of pursuit of peace. Since there was a battle within the bnei Yisroel inMoseiroh, indicating that the lessons taught by Aharon were not heeded, it was as if he died there. (Imrei Emes in Likutei Yehudoh)

Ch. 11, v. 16: "Hishomru lochem" - Be constantly on guard with your personal pursuits, your "lochem." They can easily lead you down the slippery slope of "pen yifteh l'vavchem v'sartem .." (Nirreh li)

Ch. 11, v. 16: "V'sartem vaavadtem elohim acheirim" - If you ch"v turn away from Hashem you will undoubtedly ultimately serve false gods. There is no middle ground. (Baal Shem Tov)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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