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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 10, v. 2: "U'l'maan t'sa'peir b'oznei vincho u'ven bincho" - Even if your child or grandchild is too young to appreciate your relating the episode of the exodus from Egypt there is a benefit in just having the words enter their ears. (Rabbi Avrohom of Lublin in Sheivet mIhudoh)

Ch. 10, v. 2: "Eis asher hisalalti bMitzrayim .. vida'tem ki ani Hashem" - Hashem could have easily overpowered and brought Paroh and all his countrymen to their knees in one go. However, He chose to play it out, taunting Egypt with various plagues. This was done so that the bnei Yisroel, upon witnessing this, would come to full recognition of Hashem. (Rabbi Naftoli of Ropshitz in Zera Kodesh)

Ch. 10, v. 3: "Shalach ami v'yaavduni" - Paroh's servants suggested to Paroh, "shalach es ho'ANOSHIM," send away the upper class among the people, while Moshe demanded that Paroh send every last one to freedom, even the "am," the simple folk, because even they are deserving of being in Hashem's service. (Rabbi Sholo-m of Belz in Midbar Kodeish)

Ch. 10, v. 7: "Ad mosai y'h'yeh ZEH lonu l'mokeish" - Paroh's servants were referring to Moshe. They said that every one of his statements were fulfilled to the last detail. How much longer will the one who prophesizes so accurately that he even uses the word ZEH, "zeh hadovor," be a stumbling block in our midst? (Rabbi Naftoli of Ropshitz in Zera Kodesh)

Ch. 10, v. 15: "Va'tech'shach ho'oretz va'yochal es kol eisev ho'oretz" - The previous verse says that the "arbeh" landed, "va'yonach." This same word is used regarding Shabbos, "va'yonach ba'yom hashvii." From this we derive that the "arbeh" landed on Shabbos. This is why "vatech'shach," and then "va'yochal." The "arbeh" waited for Shabbos to end and then they wrought their devastation. (Rabbi Dovid of Dinov in Tzemach Dovid)

Ch. 10, v. 26: "Lo sisho'eir parsoh ki mi'menu nikach laavode es Hashem" - There will not be left even a footstep, even an object that is on the lowest level of importance, as the footstep is the bottom of the body. This is because everything that we have is to be used in the service of Hashem. (Sfas Emes)

Ch. 11, v. 4: "Ko omar Hashem kachatzos halayloh ani YOTZEI" - Hashem is the appellation of Hashem's mercy. Hashem the All-merciful One will LEAVE His norm of mercy to administer retribution upon Egypt. (Rabbi Yechiel Meir of Gastinin in Mei Ha'yom)

Ch. 12, v. 8: "Tzli aish" - Your prayers, "tzlos'hon," should be with fiery enthusiasm, "aish." (Noam Elimelech)

Ch. 12, v. 11: "Naa'leichem b'ragleichem" - You shall restrain your habits. (Zichron Shmuel)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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