by Zvi Akiva Fleisher
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CHASIDIC INSIGHTS PARSHAS B'HAR - B'CHUKOSAI 5762 BS"DPARSHAS B'HARCh. 25, v. 1: "B'har Sinai" - Rashi raises and answers the question of the juxtaposition of the laws of "shmitoh" to Har Sinai. Another answer: Just as the bnei Yisroel came to Har Sinai to receive the Torah in a totally unified manner, "k'ish echod b'leiv echod" (see Rashi on Shmos 19:2 d.h. "va'yichan"), so too when the "shmitoh" year is upon us, and all land-owners must leave their fields as ownerless, the bnei Yisroel have no jealousy and are totally united. (Rabbi Avrohom Dovid of Butshatsh in Macha'zeh Avrohom) Ch. 25, v. 1: "B'har Sinai leimore" - He who learns from Har Sinai to be humble, is deserving of teaching the Torah, "leimore." (Noam Elimelech) Ch. 25, v. 2: "V'shovsoh ho'oretz" - By keeping the laws of the "shmitoh" year, even one's physicality, his "artzius," will rest and be elevated, "v'shovsoh ho'oretz." (Rabbi Zvi Hersh haKohein of Riminov) PARSHAS B'CHUKOSAI Ch. 26, v. 17: "V'nastem v'ein rodeif es'chem" - How is this an admonition? Isn't it better than fleeing with someone in hot pursuit? If there would be someone pursuing, we would have the mercy of Hashem upon us, even if we are not deserving, as is derived from Koheles 3:15, "v'hoElokim y'va'keish es nirdof." (Rabbi Aharon Shmuel of Ostroh) Ch. 26, v. 42: "V'zocharti es brisi Yaakov v'af es brisi Yitzchok v'af es brisi Avrohom" - The chronological order of our Patriarchs is reversed in our verse. This is because they correspond to the three pillars upon which the world stands, "Torah, avodoh, u'gmilus chasodim" (Pirkei Ovose 1:2). Since Torah is mentioned first, likewise Yaakov, the patriarch who personifies this institution is mentioned first. The order of the other two Patriarchs can be likewise explained. (Rebbe Reb Shmekle of Niklesburg) Ch. 26, v. 42: "Es brisi YaakOv" - The name YaakOv is spelled in an unusual manner, with the letter Vov between the Kuf and the Veis. This only happens 5 times throughout Tanach. Conversely, the prophet Eliyohu has his name spelled defectively 5 times, lacking the letter Vov at the end. Rashi says that Yaakov took the letter Vov from Eliyohu's name as a surety that he will herald the coming of the final redemption. Eliyohu brought the nation to repentance, "Va'yaar kol ho'om .. va'yomru Hashem hu hoElokim Hashem hu hoElokim" (M'lochim 1:18:39). He is the befitting person to herald in the final redemption, which is predicated on the nation's repentance. (Rabbi Yisroel of Modzitz in Divrei Yisroel) Ch. 27, v. 14: "V'ish ki yakdish es beiso kodesh laShem" - A person can only become holy, "v'ish ki yakdish," if he sees to it that his household is holy as well, "es beiso." Then he is indeed holy, "kodesh laShem." (Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk in Amud Ho'emes) Ch. 27, v. 14: "V'he'ericho haKohein" - A person should not make the mistake of thinking that he can reach high levels of sanctity on his own. He must cleave to a holy mentor, a Kohein, who will guide him and give him worth, "v'he'ericho haKohein." (Rabbi Shlomo of Radomsk in Tiferes Shlomo)
A GUTTEN SHABBOS KODESH. See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh |
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