Chamishoh Mi Yo'dei'a

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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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1) Ch. 16, v. 3: "B'ZOSE yovo Aharon el hakodesh" - The Medrash Vayikra Rabboh 21:9 says that the numerical value of B'ZOSE is 410, the number of years that the first Beis Hamikdosh stood. The Baalei Tosfos ask why only the first Beis Hamikdosh is alluded to. After all, the Kohein Godol entered the Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur in the second Beis Hamikdosh as well.

2) Ch. 16, v. 8: "Gorol echod laShem v'gorol echod laAzozeil" - Rashi says that the goat which receives the lot upon which is written "to Hashem" is to Hashem, and the one which receives the lot "to Azozeil" IS SENT to Azozeil. Why doesn't Rashi follow through in the same style as earlier and say "and the one which receives the lot 'to Azozeil' is TO Azozeil?"

3) Ch. 16, v. 8: "V'gorol echod laazo'zeil" - Pirkei d'Rebbi Eliezer chapter #46 says that this offering is a "bribe" to Satan. This is most puzzling since the M.R. Vayikra 21:4 says that "hasoton," spelled Hei-Sin-Tes-Nun, has the numerical value of 364. This alludes to the fact that Satan only wields power on 364 days of the year, but not on Yom Kippur. If so, what need is there to bribe him on Yom Kippur?

4) Ch. 16, v. 22: "Eretz g'zeiroh" - How shall we translate "g'zeiroh?"

5) Ch. 17, v. 13: "Chayoh o ofe asher yei'ocheil v'shofach es domo v'chisohu be'ofor" - Why does this law apply only to "chayoh" and "ofe," but not to "b'heimoh," a domesticated animal?



The Baalei Tosfos ask this and answer that only in the first Beis Hamikdosh were there Kohanim similar to Aharon, who was anointed with "shemen hamish'choh."

Perhaps, another reason might be that only in the first Beis Hamikdosh was there a KODESH similar to the Mishkon, where the Holy Ark and kaporres were in the Holy of Holies.


We know that Eliyohu (M.R. M'lochim 1:18:26) had to convince the ox that was offered by the false prophets to cooperate and allow itself to be slaughtered, because it too would be part of the proof that "Hashem hu ho'Elokim" (verse 39).

Rashi did not want to say that the goat which is sent down the precipice is TO Azozeil, which would indicate that its purpose is for the negative Azozeil, but rather, that it too is for Hashem, as it serves Hashem's purposes; only that it is SENT to Azozeil. (The Holy Admor of Skulen)


The Sha"ch answers with a parable. When a highly placed minister receives a present, a.k.a. a bribe, although he is somewhat appreciative of the gift, he full well knows that it was given to move him to do a favour, etc. However, if he is deposed and then receives a present, he truly appreciates it, and is exceptionally grateful for the gift. We therefore give Satan a present on Yom Kippur, the day that he is powerless, so that he will be kinder to us throughout the rest of the year.


1) Rashi in verse 8 explains that this means very rough, choppy terrain.

2) Targum Onkelos says that it means an uninhabited place, "l'aro d'lo yosvo."

3) The Chizkuni says that it means an area that is cut off from, i.e. not fit for, human habitation and agricultural pursuit. This is because the place where the scapegoat is killed no longer will be fertile, so why destroy some perfectly usable land.


The Rokei'ach in #319 says that this is based on a medrash that says that when Eliezer returned with Rivkoh to his master Yitzchok, he said that if Yitzchok finds that she has no virginal blood it is not because Eliezer violated her. It is because during their return she fell off the camel and her virginity was broken. They retraced a bit of their steps and found where this happened. The blood was protected by undomesticated animals and birds. The Rokei'ach says that because domesticated animals did not come to take part in the protection of the blood, they do not merit having this mitzvoh done with their blood. (Chid"o in Chomas Anoch)



See also Sedrah Selections, Oroh V'Simchoh - Meshech Chochmoh on the Weekly Parsha and Chasidic Insights

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