Ch. 25, v. 21: "Vatahar Rivkoh ishto" - And his wife Rivkoh conceived - The
word "ishto" seems to be superfluous. It alludes to her carrying Yaakov and
Eisov, who are likened to "fire and straw" (Ovadioh 1:18). The numerical value of
"ishto" is the same as "aish v'kash." (Rabbi Yochonon Luria)
Ch. 25, v. 22: "Lomoh zeh onochi" - Of what value am I - Why is it that I am
bearing one righteous and one evil child? The merit of my righteous husband
and his righteous father brings about the birth of a righteous child, and the
liability of my father and brother brings about the birth of an evil child. Why
doesn't my merit tip the scales and make the second child righteous as well?
It must be that I am of no value. (Minchoh V'luloh)
This insight seems to incorporate Rivkoh's already knowing that she was
carrying twins. However, it seems that she was not aware of this until after the
next verse. We similarly find in the remarks of Rabbeinu Chaim Paltiel that
Rivkoh already knew that she was carrying twins. He says that when she realized
that one seemed to be heading in the direction of righteousness, as indicated by
his attempting to exit when she passed the house of learning, and one headed
in the other direction, as indicated by his attempting to exit when passing
the house of idol worship, she went to Shem to ask him to pray that both turn
out righteous.
Ch. 25, v. 24: "Somim" - Twins - This word should have been spelled with an
Alef after the Sof and a Yud before the final Mem. Lacking Alef-Yud, whose
numerical value is 11 alludes to 11 more children that Yitzchok and Rivkoh might
have had, totaling 12 tribes. It is only because Eisov destroyed his mother's
womb at birth that this did not happen. (Paa'nei'ach Rozo)
It is possible that Rivkoh was responsible for this happening, based on the
words of Rabbeinu Chaim Paltiel. On the words "lomoh zeh onochi," he explains
that when Rivkoh experienced great pregnancy discomfort, she said, "Why is ZEH
destined for me?" ZEH, whose numerical value is 12, alludes to her saying that
she did not want to go through the hardship of carrying 12 sons.
Ch. 25, v. 25: "Va'yikru shmo Eisov" - And they called his name Eisov - This
is phonetically almost like "eisev," grass. Eisov had such animalistic
tendencies that he was like an animal, which consumes grass. Alternatively, he was so
heavily coated with hair that he was like a field that is totally covered
with grass. (Rabbeinu Tovioh)
Ch. 25, v. 27: "Yosheiv oholim" - Dwelling in tentS - Yaakov dwelled both in
the tent of Torah and in the home. He helped his mother prepare food for his
father. We see that he was adept at cooking, as verse 29 states, "Va'yo'zed
Yaakov nozid." (Rabbi Yehudoh Chalavoh)
Ch. 25, v. 28: "Va'ye'ehav Yitzchok es Eisov ki tzayid b'fiv" - And Yitzchok
loved Eisov because he brought game for his consumption - No doubt Hashem
protected Yitzchok from eating prohibited food. Eisov was an idol worshipper, as
mentioned in Targum Yonoson ben Uziel on the next verse. An idol worshippers
slaughtering of an animal renders it non-kosher (conclusion of gemara Chulin
4b). If so, how did he eat Eisov's game? Yitzchok only ate Eisov's offerings
before he worshipped idols. Here, where he was ready to eat, not aware of Eisov's
status, Hashem indeed protected him and Yaakov preceded Eisov. (Variation on
Rabbeinu Chaim Paltiel)
Ch. 25, v. 29: "Va'yo'zed Yaakov nozid" - And Yaakov prepared a cooked item -
Rashi explains that on that day their grandfather Avrohom died, Yaakov cooked
red lentil soup for the "havro'oh" meal. This is symbolic of the life cycle,
people dying and people being born, like round lentil beans. An old text of
Rashi is that just as lentils are closed, so too, the mouth of the mourner is
There is a well-known custom at the Shabbos day seudoh to have a course of
boiled eggs, perhaps as an egg salad for Ashkenazim, while Sefardim cook eggs in
"chamim." This is based on the opinion that Moshe died on Shabbos, as is
alluded to by the second letters of the words, "MoSHe aVdi meiS" (Yehoshua 1:2),
which spells out Shabbos. This is a remembrance of the "havro'oh" for Moshe's
passing. (Rabbi Yehudoh Chalavoh)
Ch. 26, v. 7: "Va'yomer achosi hee ki yo'rei leimore ishti pen yaharguni" -
And he said she is my sister because he was afraid to say my wife lest they
kill me - There seems to be an inconsistency in the syntax of this phrase. The
verse narrates that Yitzchok, 3rd person, said, "va'yomer." Then it quotes
Yitzchok's actual words, "achosi hee." Since after this, the verse again narrates
his thinking, that he was afraid to say .., and is not quoting his words any
more, it should have said "pen yaharguHU. We must say that all of this is the
direct quote of his words. Yitzchok responded by saying, "Even if she were my
wife I would be afraid to say so lest they kill me." Although Avrohom said
something to the same effect, his statement was not a lie, as Soroh was his niece,
and as such could be called a sister, as explained by Rashi on 20:12. Yitzchok
had no such explanation, and to avoid outright lying, he said this. (Mahari"l
There still seems to be a syntax problem even after this. The verse should
have said, "ki yo'reiSI." Any help would be appreciated.
Ch. 26, v. 12: "Va'yizra" - And he sowed - One who dispenses charity is
called one who sows, as we find in Hoshei'a 10:12, "Ziru lochem litzdokoh," and in
our daily prayers, "Zorei'a tz'd'okos." The reason the term "planting" is used
for dispensing charity is that they are similar. One who takes perfectly good
seed and plants it in the ground, where it will rot, seems to be doing an
insane act. However, having the knowledge that it will produce much more, we
understand that it is a very wise act. Similarly, with charity it seems that
someone has worked to procure money for himself. By giving it away it seems that he
is clearly depriving himself. However, the exact opposite is the truth.
Hashem even allows us to test Him with charity. Hence dispensing charity is just
like sowing seeds. (Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin in Ruach Chaim)
Ch. 26, v. 13,14: "Va'yigdal ho'ish va'yeilech holoch v'go'deil ad ki godal
m'ode, Va'y'kanu oso Plishtim" - And the man increased and he continuously
increased until he was extremely great, And the Plishtim were jealous of him - Had
success shined its countenance upon Yitzchok in one go they would not have
been jealous, even if the success made him fabulously wealthy. It was
specifically his being continuously successful, albeit in small increments, that brought
on their jealousy. (A'deres Eliyohu)
Ch. 26, v. 29: "Kaasher lo n'gaanucho" - As we have not injured you - A lion
had a bone stuck in its throat which caused it much pain. It announced that it
would give a great reward to whichever creature would remove the bone. A bird
with a long narrow beak entered the lion's throat and dislodged the bone, to
the great relief of the lion. When it asked for the promised reward, the lion
responded, "You have just exited from a lion's throat unscathed. This alone is
your reward."
Similarly here, Avimelech and his people allowed Yitzchok to leave unharmed.
This alone was the good that they did with him, "v'chaasher osinu imcho rak
tov." (M.R. 64:9).
Ch. 27, v. 33: "Al kein shem ho'ir B'eir Sheva" - Therefore the name of the
city is B'eir Sheva - In 21:31 by the incident of Avrohom and Avimelech we
find, "Al kein koro lamokome hahu B'eir Shova." The Rashbam offers that these are
two different places. Rabbeinu Chaim Paltiel says that by Avrohom the MOKOME,
the AREA, was called B'eir Sheva, while here, HO'IR, the CITY, was called
B'eir Sheva. Alternatively, he offers that they were two cities with different
names. By Avrohom, the city was called B'eir ShOva, based on the VOW that took
place, while here, the city was called B'eir ShEva, based on the 7 sheep.
Ch. 27, v. 1: "Vatich'henoh einov" - And his eyes became dim - Since Yitzchok
was influenced by Eisov's game, "Va'ye'ehav Yitzchok es Eisov ki tzayid
b'fiv" (25:28), the resultant "ki hashochad y'e'veir" (Dvorim 27:19) took place.
(M.R. 65:7, Tanchuma #8)
Ch. 27, v. 40: "V'al char'b'cho sichyeh" - And you shall live by your sword -
This was simply a blessing that he be successful in his hunting. (Rashbam and
Rabbeinu Chaim Paltiel)
Ch. 27, v. 44: "Ad toshuv chamas ochicho" - Until your brother's anger
subsides - Compare this with "Ad shuv AF ochicho" in the next verse. Targum Onkelos
translates both as "disuv rugzo," while Targum Yerushalmi Hasho'leim
translates our verse as "di sishtadeich kli'sei," and the next verse as "t'kofe
rugzei." Targum Yonoson ben Uziel offers "di sishdoch ris'cho" and "d'nuach rugzo."
It seems that T.O. takes no note of the difference between "chamas ochicho" and
"af ochicho," while the others indicate that our verse refers to extreme
anger and the next verse lesser anger. Indeed, this is what commonly happens.
There might be a key word here that explains the difference. Note that in
verse 45 we have the added word "mimcho," - from you. Our verse stresses Eisov's
extreme anger, which is both directed at Yaakov and at the outcome that he
lost the coveted blessings. Verse 45 discusses his anger after some time will
pass. At that point he will grow accustomed to having lost the blessings but will
still harbour anger at you. When even more time passes, even his anger at
you, "mimcho," will also subside. (Nirreh li)
Ch. 27, v. 45: "Lomoh eshkal gam shneichem yom echod" - Why should I be
bereft also of both of you in one day - Although they died more than a month apart
(gemara Sotoh 13a), they were both buried on one day. (Moshav Z'keinim)
Alternatively, Rivkoh was referring to Yitzchok and Yaakov. She was apprised
that Eisov had in mind to kill Yaakov on the day Yitzchok would die (verse
41). (Rabbeinu Chaim Paltiel)
See also Oroh
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