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Parashas VeyeshevLet us look at the Rashi on Genesis 39:9 "And his master saw that Hashem was with him and all that he did Hashem made prosper at his hand." RASHI "That Hashem was with him": RASHI: The name of "heaven" [G-d] was frequent in his mouth. Rashi tells us that the words "his master that saw that Hashem was with him" don't mean that Joseph was successful as we might have interpreted them. Rashi says that Pharaoh knew G-d was with Joseph because he heard him say frequently "Thank G-d." A Simple question: Why does Rashi give us this interpretation? why not take it simply that Pharaoh saw his success? How does Rashi know that? An Answer: How would Pharaoh see that Hashem was with Joseph? After all, Hashem isn't visible and Pharaoh certainly wasn't a believer. And Joseph's success by itself wouldn't prove anything because Pharaoh could attribute that to some pagan god. Rashi concluded that the only way Pharaoh could come to such a conclusion was by dint of the fact that Joseph always said "Baruch Hashem" every time he succeeded; he never took credit for himself. Therefore Pharaoh realized that the Almighty was Joseph's source of strength. It is significant to note that in every, I repeat, every one of Joseph's conversations after he was sold into slavery he mentions G-d's name. There are over a dozen instances in which he does this. It is clear that G-d's name "familiar in his mouth." Shabbat Shalom
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