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HOW THIS PROGRAM WORKS WHAT DO I STUDY? HOW DO I PARTICIPATE IN THE RAFFLE? IF I WIN, MAY I STILL COMPETE FOR OTHER PRIZES? WHAT IF I NEED A BREAK? TO SIGN UP OR CONTACT US SPECIAL RATES ON THE OZ VEHADAR LEVUSHA SEFER DEDICATIONS & VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES OUR GOALS ENDORSEMENTS THE STORY BEHIND THE OZ VEHADAR LEVUSHA PROGRAM COORDINATOR INFORMATION The Oz Vehadur Home Study Program began over 3 years ago with a group of less than 10 women in Lakewood. It has since mushroomed into a worldwide movement with groups forming in Eretz Yisroel, California, Brooklyn, Monsey, Passaic and Lakewood. The free home study program offers a simple yet highly structured method of navigating through the sefer -Oz V'hadur Levusha-Modesty an Adornment for Life. The bestselling sefer, authored by Rabbi Pesach Eliyahu Falk of Gateshead, England is a monumental work on the laws and concepts of modesty and has gained an honored place in thousands of Jewish homes around the world. Harav Hagoan R' Moshe Chaim Luzatto zt'l writes in his introduction to Mesilas Yesharim. "For you will find in most of my words only things which most people know without any doubts. But, to the extent that they are well known and their truths revealed to all, so is forgetfulness in relation to them extremely prevalent". We all know the importance of strengthening ourselves in the beautiful Middah of Modesty. There was once a Rebbe who was visiting a town. Several girls came to him and asked him for a Brocha. The Rebbe told these girls, "WHERE THERE IS TZNIUS, THERE IS BRACHA". The Middah of Tznius itself brings brocha. The Oz Vehadar Levusha Home Study Program is patterned after the very successful "N'tzor L'shoncho" Program. It has been designed for women with little spare time. The program is studied independently, intended for women unable to attend regular classes, but motivated to learn. Each reading assignment is short. Quizzes are brief and cover material thoroughly. The program has been carefully designed to achieve continuous study, review, and encouragement. The free program offers twice monthly quiz reviews and a chance to win a monthly $50 gift certificate. Numerous women have said what a phenomenal opportunity they have been given to study this uplifting work in-depth. In these difficult times, we need all the merits we can get. What better way than to strengthen ourselves in this vital yesod of yiddishkeit.
Join or form a group (5 women) to study, on your own, short readings in Rabbi Falk shlita's sefer (in English) on tznius: Oz Vehadur Levusha-Modesty: An Adornment for LIfe. Two short readings will be assigned per month, followed by a quiz. For each quiz that you score 85% or higher, you will receive a coupon to enter the raffle of the month for a $50 gift certificate (for a store in your neighborhood). Each group is headed by a coordinator who marks the quizes and submits her participants raffle results monthly. The program is designed to be studied independently on-line or through the mail, although groups may study together if they wish. Participants communicate with their coordinator via mail, e-mail or fax/phone. The program is based on Rabbi Eliyahu Falk's famous Sefer, Oz Vehadar Levusha, Modesty an Adornment for Life. You will receive a reading assignment twice a month. The chapters will be broken down into small study segments so one can study it slowly and digest it properly. Twice a month you will take a quiz on the current reading assignment. You have one week to complete and return each test to your coordinator. Tests can be taken with an open or closed book. In either case the entire reading assignment must be completed before taking the test. Tests completed with a closed book are entitled to 2 coupons in the monthly raffle. Tests taken with an open book are entitled to 1 coupon. HOW DO I PARTICIPATE IN THE RAFFLE? Each quiz paper which scored 85% or more entitles you to 1 or 2 raffle coupons (depending on if you have taken the test with an open or closed book). In addition, 3 consecutive 100's entitles you to an extra coupon. Once a month your coordinator will submit your results to us. We will draw a raffle for a $50 gift certificate from a chosen store from your neighborhood. If you wish to save your coupons for a different raffle, you may. IF I WIN, MAY I STILL COMPETE FOR OTHER PRIZES? As a courtesy to the others in the program, raffle winners are asked not to participate in the coming 3 raffles, a 2nd time or third time winner will be asked to wait 4 and six months respectively. If for some reason, you find that you are not able to complete a particular reading assignment, you are allowed to take a break. Each participant is allowed up to three breaks a year without a special explanation. In addition, an "unrecorded" break is allowed if you give birth (B'sha'a Tova) or need to go abroad. A fourth break will disqualify you from continuing the program. In addition, everyone gets a vacation for Pesach (8-23 Nissan), Summer Bein Hazmaanim (8-22 Av) and Succos (8-24 Tishrei). out of state toll free 1877-7-OZ VEHADAR
(1-877-769-8342), Click here if you wish to sign up online. SPECIAL RATES ON THE OZ VEHADAR LEVUSHA SEFER Those who are joining the program may purchase a copy of Oz
Vehadar Levusha at a special price of $19.00 ($9.50 for bnei torah). Please contact: out
of state toll free 1877-7-OZ VEHADAR (1-877-769-8342), in Passaic-973-472-8324 or e-mail
us at: ozvehadar@juno.com DEDICATIONS & VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Join us in helping tznius grow. In order to help fund this
non-profit program, dedications for each month's learning are available for the zechus of
a choleh, l'elui nishmas, etc. Contributions are tax deducible. For dedications and
volunteer opportunities, please contact out of state toll free 1877-7-OZ VEHADAR
(1-877-769-8342), in Passaic-973-472-8324 or e-mail us at: ozvehadar@juno.com Perhaps no other period in history has witnessed such a steep decline in moral standards as the one in which we live today. We see the fulfillment of chazal predicting our era as a world society devoid of basic values. Yet is precisely at this moment in time that the Torah's calling for a life of kedusha is most meaningful. Our goal is to kindle an awakening within our midst to study the uplifting concepts and halachos of modesty. We aim to accept as many women as possible and not to discourage anyone from joining. The formulated guidlines will enable you to keep a proper framework of study and help you learn seriously to grow in the beautiful Middah of Tznius! We close with a birchas Hatzlocho and a smooth ascent in climbing the levels of Modesty. Just remember that one cannot underestimate the reward for every attempt at studying these laws, and the purposefulness and blessings it sheds on our environment! We hope you enjoy your studies. The Oz Vehadar Levusha Home Study Program works in close consultation with Rabbi Pesach Eliyahu Falk of Gateshead, England and is endorsed by Rabbi Matisyahu Salamon, Mashgiach of Beis Medrash Gevoha of Lakewood, NJ .