Project It Will
Be All Right
Public Seders
(order of the service for the night of Passover) conducted in the
hospital departments.
Distribution of
Seder sets - seder plate, wine, round matzot, haggadot (the book for
following the service) and head coverings to all the country's
Many of the
hospitals send their patients home for the Passover holiday. Some
of these families are financially stable and can receive their relatives
graciously. Unfortunately, many others lack the means to provide a
proper welcome. The social services runs a thorough investigation
of these particular situations and have informed us that there are 450
families that need all their Passover needs provided for.
Zimra will provide
these 450 needy families with all their Passover provisions, bringing
happiness and hope into their homes.
Packages contain
fruits, vegetables, wine, oil, chicken, fish, canned goods and other
necessary staples. The packages are delivered directly to the
homes of the families in every corner of the country.
Tremendous thanks
are due to a talented and dedicated individual, Chaim Eisenstadt, who
gives of his time and energy to coordinate and raise funds
for this program.