prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Zevachim 109
(a) On what condition does our Mishnah incorporate Kodshim Pesulim in the
Din of Ha'ala'as Chutz?
(b) How will this help to explain why Kodshim Pesulin are included in
Shechutei Chutz?
(c) What is the minimum Shi'ur for which one is Chayav for Ha'ala'as Chutz?
(a) What does the Tana of the Beraisa learn from the Pasuk ...
- ... "Asher Ya'aleh Olah O *Zavach*"?
- ... "ve'el Pesach Ohel Mo'ed Lo Yevi'enu ... "?
- ... " ... La'asos"?
(b) How are Kodshim Pesulim inherent in "La'asos"?
(c) What, besides 'the Kometz, the Levonah, the Ketores and the Menachos of
a Kohen Hedyot and of the Kohen Gadol, does "Zevach" come to include?
(d) And which four Pesulin, besides Lan, Yotzei, Tamei, Nishchat Chutz
li'Zemano and Chutz li'Mekomo, and Kiblu Pesulin ve'Zarku es Daman', does
"La'asos" incorporate?
(a) Regarding the Din in the Mishnah of Tziruf of Basar and Eimurin, what do
we extrapolate from the Lashon 'Olah ve'Eimurehah'?
(b) What does the Beraisa, which elaborates on our Mishnah, add to 'Olah
ve'Eimurehah Mitztarfin li'Kezayis Leha'alosan ... '?
(c) Why does the Basar of a Shelamim not combine with the Eimurin to make up
a k'Zayis with regard to Ha'ala'as Chutz?
(a) What problem does the Mishnah in Me'ilah 'Kol ha'Pigulin Mitztarfin,
ve'Chol ha'Nosarin Mitztarfin', now create?
(b) Do any one of Pigul, Nosar or Tamei not pertain to ...
- ... the Basar?
- ... the Eimurin?
(c) We answer the Kashya from Pigul on to Pigul with 'Ka'an be'Pigul, Ka'an
be'Machsheves Pigul'. What does this mean? How does it answer the Kashya?
(a) And we answer the Kashya of Nosar on to Nosar with 'Ka'an be'Nosar',
meaning that if someone eats half a k'Zayis of Basar and half of Eimurim
(even) of Shelamim, they do indeed combine to make up the Shi'ur. What
does 'Ka'an be'Nisosru ad she'Lo Nizrak ha'Dam' (the case where they do not
combine) then mean?
(b) And we establish our Mishnah like Rebbi Yeshoshua. What does Rebbi
Yehoshua learn from the Pasuk "Ve'asisa Olosecha ha'Basar ve'ha'Dam"?
(c) What will he therefore say in a case where ...
- ... a Shelamim or an Olah became Pasul and only a k'Zayis of Basar or of Cheilev remains Kasher?
- ... a Shelamim became Pasul, and only half a k'Zayis of Basar and half a k'Zayis of Cheilev remain Kasher?
- ... an Olah became Pasul ... ?
(d) Why the difference between the last two rulings?
(a) What problem do we have with the conclusion of the Beraisa 'u'Minchah,
Afilu Kulah Kayemes, Lo Yizrok'?
(b) How does Rav Papa explain it?
Answers to questions
(a) What does the Tana Kama say about a case where someone sacrificed a
k'Zayis of Kometz, Levonah, Ketores, Minchas Kohanim, Minchas Kohen
Mashi'ach or Minchas Nesachim, ba'Chutz?
(b) How does he interpret "La'asos Oso" (that we discussed earlier)?
(c) What does Rebbi Elazar say?
(a) Why does Rebbi Elazar not argue with the Rabbanan in the previous
Mishnah, where they also give the Shiur of Ha'ala'as Chutz of an Olah as a
(b) How does Rebbi Elazar Darshen "Oso" there where P'sul Chesaron does not
(c) In which case will ...
- ... Rebbi Elazar concede that one is Chayav for burning a k'Zayis ba'Chutz (even if it is the last k'Zayis)?
- ... the Rabbanan concede that one will is not Chayav for burning a k'Zayis ba'Chutz?
(d) If the last ruling extends to the Levonah as well, how will we explain
(a) What does the Mishnah say about someone who sacrifices Kodshim together
with their Eimurim ba'Chutz?
(b) The Tana of the Beraisa obligates someone who burns a k'Zayis of Ketores
ba'Chutz. What is then the problem with his next statement, exempting
someone who burns half a P'ras inside? Whom do we think the Tana is
referring to?
(c) What did Rebbi Zeira ... Amar Rav reply?
(d) What is the significance of half a P'ras?
(a) What problem does Rebbi Zeira have with Rav, who said that Rebbi Elazar
agreed with the Beraisa, the way we just explained it?
(b) How does Rabah reconcile Rav with our Mishnah? What distinction did he
draw between the Ketores in the Beraisa and the Ketores in our Mishnah?
(c) If the daily Ketores has no Shi'ur, why ...
- ... does the Tana mention half a P'ras?
- ... does one then need a k'Zayis?
(a) How does Rabah explain the Machlokes between Rebbi Elazar and the
Rabbanan regarding the Shi'ur Ketores on Yom Kipur?
(b) Abaye queries this however, based on the Pasuk in Acharei-Mos, where the
Torah writes "Chukah"? Why is that a problem?
(c) So he concludes that there is no Machslokes with regard to the Haktarah
di'Penim. What on fact, will both Tana'im hold there?
(d) And what does he mean when he establishes the Machlokes with regard to
whether we learn P'nim from Chutz or not? What do the Rabbanan, who learn
P'nim from Chutz, hold?
(e) And what does Rebbi then say?
(a) What does the Beraisa say about someone who sacrifices less than ...
- ... a k'Zayis of Kometz or Eimurim ba'Chutz?
- ... three Login of wine or water (but more than a k'Zayis) ba'Chutz?
(b) What do these two cases have in common?
(c) What does Rava extrapolate from there? Why does it pose a Kashya on
Abaye's interpretation of Rav?
(d) How does Rava know that the author of the Beraisa is the Chachamim (and
not Rebbi Elazar)?
(a) Rava therefore establishes the entire Sugya by the Ketores of the
Heichal, which, both opinions agree, has a Shi'ur. What is the Shi'ur?
(b) Does Haktarah have a Shi'ur, according to him?
(c) Then how does he establish our Mishnah, in order to accommodate the
opinion of Rebbi Eliezer?
(d) What is then the basis of the Machlokes?
Answers to questions
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