Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Zevachim 102
1) WAS MOSHE A "KOHEN"? (cont.)
(a) Question (Beraisa) Question: Who *Hisgir* Miryam (ruled
that she is a Metzora'as)?
1. Moshe did not, for he is a Zar, a Zar cannot rule
about Tzara'as!
2. Aharon did not, for he is a relative, a relative
cannot rule about Tzara'as!
3. Answer: Hash-m Himself honored her and ruled about
i. He said, I am a Kohen, I will Masgir, Machlit
(declare her to be absolutely Teme'ah) and
exempt her (when the Tzara'as leaves).
4. Summation of question: It says that Moshe is a Zar!
(b) Answer (Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak): Tzara'as is different,
for it says "Aharon u'Vanav" in the Parshah (but
otherwise, Moshe is considered a Kohen).
(c) Question (Beraisa): Elisheva (Aharon's wife) had five
special causes for joy on the day the Mishkan was
1. Her Yavam (brother-in-law, i.e. Moshe) was king, her
husband was Kohen Gadol, her son (Elazar) was the
Segan (next in line to be Kohen Gadol), her grandson
(Pinchas) was Mashu'ach Milchamah, her brother
(Nachshon) was the Nasi of a Shevet (Yehudah);
2. At the time, she mourned the loss of two of her sons
(Nadav and Avihu).
3. Summation of question: It says that her Yavam was
king - but not Kohen Gadol!
(d) Answer: It means, he was *even* king (and also Kohen
(e) Tana'im argue whether or not he was Kohen Gadol.
1. (Beraisa - R. Yehoshua ben Korchah): "Va'Yichar Af
Hash-m b'Moshe (when Moshe was refusing to redeem
Benei Yisrael)" - this is the only place where
'Charon Af' is not followed by a show of anger;
2. R. Shimon says, also here it is followed by anger -
"Aharon Achicha ha'Levi";
i. Question: He was a Kohen, not a Levi!
ii. Answer: Hash-m rebuked Moshe - I intended to
make you the Kohen, Aharon would be a Levi -
now (because you refused), you will be a Levi,
he will be Kohen.
3. Chachamim say, Moshe was a Kohen only during the
seven days of Milu'im (inauguration of the Mishkan);
4. Some say, the Kehunah ceased only from Moshe's
descendants, but he was permanently a Kohen;
i. It says "U'Moshe Ish ha'Elokim Banav Yikar'u Al
Shevet ha'Levi", and "Moshe v'Aharon
ii. Question: Why is the second verse needed?
iii. Answer: The former verse teaches lineage for
generations - one might have thought, that is
why it did not need to teach that also Moshe
was (only) a Levi - the second verse proves
that he was a Kohen.
(a) Question: Also in another place, 'Charon Af' is not
followed by a show of anger - "Va'Yeztei me'Im Paro
ba'Chari Af", yet Moshe did not say anything to him!
(b) Answer (Reish Lakish): He slapped his face before
(c) Question: This contradicts another teaching of Reish
1. (Reish Lakish): "V'Nitzavta Likroso Al Sefas
ha'Y'or" - Paro is a king, you must prepare to greet
him properly.
2. (R. Yochanan): He is a Rasha, you must be brazen
with him.
(d) Answer: We must switch these teachings of Reish Lakish
and R. Yochanan.
(e) (R. Yanai): The fear of the kingdom should be upon you -
"V'Yordu Chol Avadecha Aleh Elai" - Moshe omitted saying
that also Paro would bow to Moshe and ask him to take
Benei Yisrael from Mitzrayim.
(f) (R. Yochanan): We learn from "...Eliyahu Vayshanes Masnav
Vayaratz Lifnei Ach'av" (Rashi - in order that Ach'av not
be alone; Radak, Maharsha - he ran in front of him to
honor him.)
(g) (Ula): Moshe requested kingship, it was not given to him
- "Al Tikrav Halom";
1. "Halom" refers to kingship - "(David asked) Mi
Anochi...Ki Havi'osani Ad Halom".
(h) Question (Rava - Beraisa): Her Yavam (Moshe) was king.
(i) Answer (Rava): Ula means, Moshe requested kingship for
him and his descendants (but it was given only to him).
(j) Question: 'Halom' does not always refer to all
1. Regarding Sha'ul it says "Hava Od Halom Ish", yet
only he was king, not his descendants!
(k) Answer #1: His son Ish Boshes was also king.
(l) Answer #2: Hash-m gave kingship to him and his
descendants, Sha'ul forfeited it.
1. (R. Elazar): When greatness is given to a person, it
is for him and his descendants for all generations -
"Lo Yigra mi'Tzadik Einav v'Es Melachim la'Kisei
(va'Yoshivem la'Netzach)";
2. If the person becomes haughty, Hash-m lowers him -
"V'Im Asurim ba'Zikim Yilachdun b'Chavlei Onu".
(a) (Mishnah): A Ba'al Mum, whether the Mum (is temporary or
permanent, receives a share...)
(b) Question: What is the source of this?
(c) Answer (Beraisa #1): "*Kol* Zachar" (bi'Vnei Aharon)"
(may eat Menachos) - this includes a Ba'al Mum.
1. Question: What does it teach about a Ba'al Mum?
i. Suggestion: It permits him to eat Kodshim.
ii. Rejection: We learn that from "Lechem Elokav
mi'Kodshei ha'Kodoshim...Yochel"!
2. Answer: Rather, it teaches that he receives a share.
(d) (Beraisa #2): "*Kol* Zachar" (may eat Chatas) includes a
Ba'al Mum.
1. Question: What does it teach about a Ba'al Mum?
i. Suggestion: It permits him to eat Kodshim.
ii. Rejection: We already know this (from "Lechem
2. Answer #1: It teaches that he receives a share.
3. Rejection: We already know this (from the verse "Kol
Zachar" concerning Menachos!)
4. Answer #2: One might have thought, only a Kosher
Kohen who became a Ba'al Mum may eat Kodshim;
i. Question: What is the source for a Ba'al Mum
from birth?
ii. Answer: "Kol Zachar"
(e) (Beraisa #3): "*Kol* Zachar" (may eat Asham) includes a
Ba'al Mum.
1. Question: What does it teach about a Ba'al Mum?
i. Suggestion: It permits him to eat Kodshim.
ii. Rejection: We already know this!
iii. Suggestion: It teaches that he receives a
iv. Rejection: We already know this!
2. Answer #1: It teaches about a Ba'al Mum from birth?
3. Rejection: We already know this (from "Kol Zachar"
concerning Chatas!)
4. Answer #2: One might have thought, only a Ba'al Mum
Kavu'a (a Kohen with a permanent Mum) may eat, not a
Ba'al Mum Over (temporary Mum);
i. Question: What is the source for a Ba'al Mum
ii. Answer: "Kol Zachar"
(f) Question: Just the contrary (if a permanent Mum does not
disqualify, all the more so a temporary Mum)!
(g) Answer #1 (Rav Sheshes): We must switch the Beraisa (one
might have thought, only a Ba'al Mum Over may eat..."Kol
Zachar" includes a Ba'al Mum Kavu'a.)
(h) Answer #2 (Rav Ashi): We need not switch the Beraisa - it
is a bigger Chidush that a Ba'al Mum Over may eat, for
one might have thought that he is like a Tamei:
1. A Tamei may not eat until he becomes Tahor -
likewise, a Ba'al Mum Over may not eat until the Mum
2. "Kol Zachar" teaches, this is not so.
(a) (Mishnah): Anyone who may not do Avodah (does not receive
a share.)
(b) Question #1: A Ba'al Mum may not do Avodah, yet he
receives a share!
(c) Question #2: The Mishnah implies that anyone who *may* do
Avodah receives a share - but a Tamei may do Avodas
Tzibur, yet he does not receive a share!
(d) Answer #1 (to both questions): It means, anyone who may
not *eat* does not receive a share.
(e) Question: A minor may eat, but he does not receive a
(f) Answer: The Mishnah only says that anyone who may *not*
eat does not receive a share - it does not say that
anyone who *may* eat receives a share.
(g) Answer #2 (to both questions): If we are not concerned
for the inference of the Mishnah, we can explain the
Mishnah exactly like it says, anyone who may not do
Avodah does not receive a share:
1. Question #2 does not apply - the Mishnah does not
discuss a Tamei;
2. Question #1 is not difficult - Ba'al Mum is an
exception, a verse teaches that he receives a share.
(h) (Mishnah): Even a Kohen who was Tamei at the time of
Zerikah and Tahor at the time of Haktaras ha'Chelev does
not receive a share.
(i) Inference: If he was Tahor at the time of Zerikah and
Tamei at the time of Haktarah, he would receive a share.
(j) Our Mishnah is unlike Aba Sha'ul:
1. (Beraisa - Aba Sha'ul): He does not receive a share
unless he was Tahor from the time of Zerikah until
the time of Haktarah - "Ha'Makriv Es Dam ha'Shelamim
v'Es ha'Chelev", he must be able to serve even at
the time of Haktaras Chelev.
(k) Question (Rav Ashi): (According to Aba Sha'ul,) if he did
becom Tamei in between Zerikah and Haktarah (and became
Tahor again before Haktarah), what is the law?
1. If he only requires that he be Tahor at the time of
Zerikah and at the time of Haktarah, this was
2. Or, perhaps he must be Tahor from the time of
Zerikah until the time of Haktarah!
(l) This question is not resolved.
(m) Rav: When R. Elazar b'Rebbi Shimon was in the bathroom,
he composed the following 'argument', in which a Tahor
Kohen refutes a Tevul Yom who requested a share of
Kodshim (both are in the same Beis Av.):
1. The Tevul Yom: Give me a share of a Minchas Yisrael
(to eat tonight, when I will be fully Tahor.)
2. The Tahor: You do not receive - regarding Chatas, I
(a Tahor Kohen) receive all the meat of my own
Chatas, you (a Tevul Yom) do not receive a share of
a Yisrael's Chatas - regarding Minchah, I do not
receive anything from my own Minchah (it is Kalil),
all the more so, you do not receive a share of
Minchas Yisrael!
3. The Tevul Yom: No - granted, I do not receive from
Chatas Yisrael, for even though I have Ko'ach
(rights) to receive my Chatas (if I *would be*
Tahor), you have (even more) Ko'ach in your Chatas
(for you *are* Tahor);
i. But I should receive a share of Minchas
Yisrael, for we are equal (neither of us has
any Ko'ach) in Minchas Kohen!
4. The Tahor: "La'Kohen ha'Makriv Osah Lo Sihyeh" -
since you cannot Oved, you do not receive.
5. The Tevul Yom: Give me a share of Chatas Yisrael.
6. The Tahor: You do not receive - regarding Minchah, I
receive nothing from my own Minchah, yet I do not
share with you ("La'Kohen ha'Makriv...") - regarding
Chatas, I have more Ko'ach than you in my Chatas,
all the more so l do not share Chatas Yisrael with
7. The Tevul Yom: No - granted, I do not receive from
Minchas Yisrael, for even though you have no Ko'ach,
neither do I;
i. But I should receive a share of Chatas Yisrael,
for even though you have Ko'ach in your Chatas,
I also have Ko'ach in mine!
8. The Tahor: "Ha'Kohen ha'Mechatei Osah Yochalenah" -
since you cannot Oved, you do not receive.
9. The Tevul Yom: Give me a share of Chazeh v'Shok (of
a Yisrael's Shelamim).
10. The Tahor: You do not receive - regarding Chatas,
even though you have Ko'ach in your Chatas (to
receive all the meat when you are Tahor), I do not
share Chatas Yisrael with you ("Ha'Kohen
ha'Mechatei...") - regarding Shelamim Yisrael, you
only receive Chazeh v'Shok, all the more so l do not
share it with you!
11. The Tevul Yom: No - granted, I do not receive from
Chatas Yisrael, for I have no Ko'ach to let my wife
and slaves eat it;
i. But I should receive a share of Chazeh v'Shok,
for I have Ko'ach to let my wife and slaves eat
12. The Tahor: "La'Kohen ha'Zorek Es Dam ha'Shelamim Lo
Yihyeh" - since you cannot Oved, you do not receive.
13. The Tevul Yom understood that he was refuted.
14. The same verses show that an Onen or Mechushar
Kipurim does not receive a share.
(n) Question (Rav Achai): R. Elazar b'Rebbi Shimon should
also teach that Bechor must be given to a Kohen Kosher
for Avodah!
1. The Tevul Yom: I should be allowed to receive a
Bechor of a Yisrael.
i. The Tahor: You are not allowed - regarding
Chatas, even though I lack Ko'ach to let my
wife and slaves eat it, I do not share Chatas
Yisrael with you - Bechor is entirely mine (I
have this Ko'ach - this is like Tosefta 6:8,
Rambam. Some argue - Rashi (Yevamos 99B) holds
that slaves may not eat Bechor, Rashba Nedarim
12A explicitly says that only male Kohanim may
eat it - perhaps they explain, I can offer it
whenever I want in its first year), all the
more so l do not share it with you!
2. The Tevul Yom: No - granted, I do not receive from
Chatas Yisrael, for even though you have little
Ko'ach in your own Chatas, so do I;
i. But I should be able to receive Bechor, for I
also have great Ko'ach in it!
3. The Tahor: "Es Dam Tizrok...U'Vsaram Yihyeh Lach" -
since you cannot Oved, you do not receive.
(o) Answer: R. Elazar did not teach this, for it does not say
'U'Vsaram la'Kohen ha'Zorek', rather, "U'Vsaram Yihyeh
*Lach*" (to you (Aharon, and your descendants).)
(p) Question: How could R. Elazar think about Torah in the
1. (Rabah bar bar Chanah): It is permitted to think
about Torah, except for a bathhouse or bathroom.
(q) Answer: He was Ones (he could not refrain.)
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