Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Zevachim 61
ZEVACHIM 61 - This Daf has been dedicated by Rabbi Dr. Eli Turkel of
Ra'anana, Israel, to the memory of his father, Reb Yisrael Shimon ben Shlomo
ha'Levi Turkel (Yarhzeit: 10 Av).
(a) Answer #1 (Ravina): No, both refer to Kodshim Kalim;
1. Beraisa #1 is like R. Yishmael (he learns meat from
blood - since blood cannot be offered when
travelling, Kodshim meat becomes Pasul), Beraisa #2
is like Chachamim.
(b) Answer #2: Both refer to Kodshei Kodoshim;
1. Beraisa #2 does not permit eating Kodshim in two
encampments, rather, before taking down the Mishkan
(this is not the simple meaning of the text, but
Rashi and Tosfos say that we must understand it to
mean this), and after taking down the Mishkan (this
is *like* in two places);
2. One might have thought, (since the Mishkan is
dissembled, there is no Kedushah to the Chatzer),
Kodshim are disqualified as if they left their
proper place - the Beraisa teaches, this is not so.
3. Suggestion: Perhaps they are disqualified!
4. Rejection "V'Nasa Ohel Mo'ed" - even though it is in
transit, it has the Kedushah of Ohel Mo'ed.
(a) (Rav Huna): The Mizbe'ach in Shilo was of stones.
1. (Beraisa - R. Eliezer ben Yakov): Three verses say
"Avanim", to teach about three Mizbechos that were
(Rashi - permitted to be) made of stones, in Shilo,
in Nov and Giv'on (we learn both of these from one
verse, since both were Bamos and not proper
Mizbechos) and in the Beis ha'Mikdash.
(b) Question (Rav Acha bar Ami - Beraisa): The fire which
descended from Shamayim (to the Mizbe'ach ha'Nechoshes)
in the days of Moshe did not cease, until a new fire
descended when Shlomo built (a new Mizbe'ach in) the Beis
1. Shlomo's fire did not cease until the days of
2. According to Rav Huna, Moshe's fire ceased when they
built a new Mizbe'ach in Shilo!
(c) Answer #1: Rav Huna's teaching is according to R. Noson.
1. (Beraisa - R. Noson): The Mizbe'ach in Shilo was
made of Nechoshes, it was hollow, they filled it
with stones.
(d) Answer #2 (Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak): The Beraisa says
that Moshe's fire did not cease - it was not idle. (Even
though (in Shilo) Korbanos were not brought on the
Mizbe'ach ha'Nechoshes, rather, on a stone Mizbe'ach.)
1. Question: What does this mean 'it was not idle'?
2. Answer #1 (Rabanan): It spewed forth flames to the
stone Mizbe'ach to consume the Korbanos.
3. Answer #2 (Rav Papa): Sometimes the fire would be on
one Mizbe'ach, sometimes on the other.
(e) (Mishnah): When the exiles returned (with Ezra, to build
the second Beis ha'Mikdash) they added four Amos onto the
Mizbe'ach on the south side, and four Amos on the west
side - the addition was an 'L' shape.
(f) Question: Why did they make it bigger?
(g) Answer #1 (Rav Yosef): (The dimensions of) Shlomo's
Mizbe'ach was not big enough.
1. Objection (Abaye): In the first Mikdash, "Yehudah
v'Yisrael Rabim ka'Chol Asher Al ha'Yam", yet the
Mizbe'ach was big enough - in the second Mikdash,
"Kol ha'Kahal k'Echad Arba Ribo...", all the more so
it was big enough!
2. Answer (Rav Yosef): In the first Mikdash, fire of
Shamayim consumed the Korbanos (supernaturally)
quickly, but not in the second Mikdash.
(h) Answer #2 (Ravin): (In the first Mikdash, Nesachim would
flow into Shisim (a pit south-west of the Mizbe'ach -)
they enlarged the Mizbe'ach in order that the Shisim
would be within (under) the Mizbe'ach;
1. At first, they expounded "Mizbe'ach Adamah" - there
cannot be any gap beneath it;
2. Later, they reasoned that drinking ('consumption' of
libations) should be like eating (Korbanos that are
burned, i.e. within the boundaries of the
3. "Mizbe'ach Adamah" teaches that the Mizbe'ach cannot
be built over domes or tunnels (which are not needed
for the Mizbe'ach).
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