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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Yevamos 80

YEVAMOS 79, 80 - The first two of four Dafim dedicated in honor of Dr. Charles and Rosalind Neustein, whose retirement to Florida allows them to spend even more time engaging in Torah study!


(a) We learned in our Mishnah that, according to Rebbi Akiva, a S'ris Chamah is Patur even from Chalitzah.
What is a S'ris Chamah?

(b) How would one know that he is a S'ris Chamah, and not a S'ris Adam?

(c) His ailment is caused by his mother having baked bread in the middle of the day (causing her body to become very hot) and then drinking Shikra Marka, whilst she was pregnant with him.
What are the two possible meanings of 'Shikra Marka'?

(d) Rav Yosef's mother used to say 'whoever is from birth, is smitten', and Rav Yosef said that initially, he did not know what she meant. He might have been saying that he did not know what the cause of the illness was.
What else might have been the basis of his doubt?

(a) How can we presume from the fact that someone was born a S'ris, and that he is also a S'ris now, that he is a S'ris Chamah? Why do we not suspect that he did not perhaps become cured in between (in which case he is a S'ris Adam)?

(b) What did Rebbi Chanina ben Antignos say about the blemish called Chivrur (white spots in the eye), which must last eighty days in order to be considered a blemish?

(c) How do we reconcile this with the previous statement?

(a) If the Beis-Din are demanding that the Yavam who has turned twenty and has not brought Simanim (of maturity) to perform either Yibum or Chalitzah, which two things would the relatives of the Yevamah need to prove to prevent this from taking place?

(b) This is the opinion of Beis Hillel in a Beraisa, who maintain that the determining age is twenty both as regards a Saris and as regards an Aylonis. According to Beis Shamai, the determining age is eighteen.
What does Rebbi Eliezer say? What are the ramifications of his ruling?

(c) How does Rami bar Dikuli Amar Shmuel reconcile this with Rebbi Eliezer himself, who said in our Mishnah, that a S'ris Chamah *is* obligated to perform Chalitzah?

(a) We try prove from a Beraisa that it is from the *second* of his statements that Rebbi Eliezer retracted (and not from his statement in the Mishnah). Perhaps the proof is from the fact that two statements override one.
How else might we prove from his second statement that that is his final opinion? What did he say there that leads us to accept it as final?

(b) In what connection does Rebbi Elazar, in a new approach to deal with the problem, explain Rebbi Eliezer's second ruling, where he rules like Beis Hillel (that until twenty he is considered a Katan)?

(a) What does Rav say about someone who ate Cheilev from the age of twelve until eighteen, and who produced Simanim after he turned eighteen? Is he (refer to b.) Chayav to bring a Korban or not?

(b) With which Tana does Rav's statement comply? Is it referring to a man or to a woman?

(c) What does Shmuel say?

(a) What does Rebbi Meir hold regarding ...
  1. ... the K'nas of a Ketanah? Is a man who rapes or who seduces her obligated to pay K'nas?
  2. ... the K'nas of an Aylonis?
(b) According to Rav, why should the latter not pay K'nas, in a case, where she brought Simanim only after she turned eighteen?

(c) What did Rav Yosef say when Abaye answered his Kashya in this manner?

(a) What does Rebbi Avahu mean when he says 'Simnei S'ris ve'Aylonis u'Ben Sh'moneh Ein Osin Bahen Ma'aseh ad she'Yehu ben Esrim'?

(b) And what does the Tana of the Beraisa say with regard to handling an eighth month baby on Shabbos?

(c) What does 'Mipnei ha'Sakanah' mean?

(d) Then how can Rebbi Avahu talk about an eighth month baby surviving twenty years?

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(a) The Tana Kama of the Beraisa describes a ben Sh'moneh as one who was born during the eighth month.
What does Rebbi Say?

(b) What will Rebbi say in the case of an eighth-month baby who is born with hair fully-grown and nails?

(a) What did Rabah Tosfa'ah rule in the case of a woman who gave birth twelve months after her husband went overseas?

(b) On what grounds do we initially establish Rabah Tosfa'ah like Rebbi?

(c) We refute this on the basis of the (third) opinion of Raban Shimon ben Gamliel.
What does Raban Shimon ben Gamliel say?

(d) What do we gain by citing his opinion?

(a) The Beraisa describes a S'ris Chamah as someone who reaches the age of twenty without bringing Simanim (of maturity), even if they grew afterwards. What are the two ways of explaining this last phrase 'even if they grew afterwards'?

(b) The Tana Kama gives three signs of a Saris; that his beard does not grow and that his hair is limp.
What is the third sign?

(c) Raban Shimon ben Gamliel adds in the name of Rebbi Yehudah ben Yair that his urine does not produce foam.
What sign do others add with regard to ...

  1. ... his urine?
  2. ... his Zera?
  3. ... his urine that is placed in a receptacle?
(d) Acheirim add that when he bathes, no steam rises from his body.
What final sign does Rebbi Shimon ben Elazar give?
(a) The Tana Kama also gives three signs of an Aylonis: that she does not have breasts like a woman and Tashmish is hard for her.
What bodily sign does Raban Shimon ben Gamliel add?

(b) And what final sign does Raban Shimon ben Elazar adds?

(c) Rav Huna requires all the signs before a person can be declared a Saris. According to Rebbi Yochanan, any one will suffice.
In which case does Rebbi Yochanan agree with Rav Huna (see Tosfos Dh 'de'Heivi')?

(d) What did Rabah bar Avuhah instruct the Rabbanan to watch for on Rav Nachman (his disciple)? Is that necessarily because he held like Rav Huna?

12) Our Mishnah exempts a Saris even from Chalitzah. How do we know that the author is Rebbi Akiva?

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