prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Yevamos 55
YEVAMOS 46-55 - Ari Kornfeld has generously sponsored the Dafyomi
publications for these Dafim for the benefit of Klal Yisrael.
(a) We have just seen in the Beraisa, that Achos Ishto me'Imah is forbidden,
no less than me'Avihah. Why can we not learn ...
- ... this from Achoso (rather than from Dodaso that she is permitted)?
- ... from Dodaso that she is permitted (rather than from Achoso that she is forbidden)?
(b) So from where *do* we learn it?
(c) Why can we not learn Eishes Ach itself from ...
- ... Dodaso (rather than from Achoso)?
- ... Achoso (rather than from Dodaso)?
(d) So what do we learn from the Pasuk "Ervas Achicha Hi" (having already
written "Ervas Eishes Achicha Lo Segaleh")?
(a) We do not need a Pasuk to teach us that Eishes Ach who has no children
is forbidden (and is even Chayav Kareis), because the Torah writes "Nidah
Hi" (like Rav Huna on the previous Amud). But how do we know that "Ervas
Achicha Hi" does not come to teach us that if his brother died leaving
children his widow is forbidden to him?
(b) The Pasuk "Ervas Achiv Gilah" comes to preclude any one of three
contentions, in a case where there are children: One of them, that the
Yevamah is permitted both to the Yavam and to the Shuk. What are the other
(a) We suggest that Eishes Ach min ha'Eim should be permitted after his
brother's death like Eishes Ach min ha'Av. How is this possible, in light
of the 'Gezeirah-Shavah' "Achvah" "Achvah" mi'B'nei Ya'akov?
(b) What do we learn from the Pasuk "Ervas Achicha *Hi*?
(a) Seeing as we learn the Chiyuv Kareis by all the Arayos from Hekeisha
de'Rebbi Yonah, the Torah writes Kareis by his sister, according to Rebbi
Yonah, to teach us that one is Chayav for each one. What exactly does this
(b) How will we learn all the other cases from Achoso? Perhaps it is only by
a sister that one will be Chayav an individual Chatas?
(c) Rebbi Yitzchak learns that one is Chayav a separate Chatas for each
Ervah from "ve'el *Ishah* be'Nidas Tum'asah" (Acharei-Mos). According to
him, why does the Torah write Kareis by his sister?
(a) What does "Aririm" (in Kedoshim) mean?
(b) Why does the Torah write once "Aririm Yihyu" and once "Aririm Yamusu"?
(a) What La'av will someone who has relations with a Shifchah transgress?
(b) What is a Shifchah Charufah?
(c) What does the Lashon "Shichvas Zera" by Shifchah Charufah teach us?
(d) Why can we not learn from the fact that the Torah writes Ha'ara'ah by
Chayvei Kareis, that by Chayvei La'avin, one is not Chayav?
Answers to questions
(a) What do we learn from the 'Gezeirah-Shavah' ...
- ... "Kichah" "Kichah" (Chayvei La'avin di'Kehunah from Chayvei K'risus)?
- ... "Bi'ah" "Bi'ah" (Chayvei Asei ["Dor Sh'lisji Yavo"] from Chayvei La'avin ["Lo Yavo Mamzer"])?
(b) From where do we know that Ha'ara'ah is Asur by a Yevamah le'Shuk?
(c) Why might a Yevamah le'Shuk be ...
- ... a Lo Sa'aseh?
- ... an Asei?
(d) From where do we know that ...
- ... a Yavam acquires his Yevamah through Ha'ara'ah?
- ... if a man betroths a woman through Ha'ara'ah, he acquires her?
(a) The Torah writes "Shichvas-Zera" by Shifchah-Charufah, Eishes-Ish and
Sotah. We have already explained why it does so by Shifchah Charufah. From
what does it come to exempt him?
(b) Why does the Torah write "Shichvas-Zera" ...
1. ... by Eishes-Ish (according to those who hold that one is Chayav even
for Bi'ah with an Eiver Meis), according to Rava)?
2. ... by Sotah?
(c) Rav Sheishes contends that the Pasuk comes to preclude where he warned
her not to perform an unnatural Bi'ah with the suspect. On what grounds
does Rava refute ...
1. ... Rav Sheishes' contention?
2. ... Abaye's rejection of his own explanation that it comes to preclude
'Derech Eivarim', on the grounds that this is not sufficient cause to make
her a Sotah?
(d) On what grounds do we reject Abaye, who contends that it comes to
preclude when her husband warned her against the Neshikah of the adulterer?
What is Neshikah?
(a) What Mashal does Shmuel give to prove that Neshikah is called Ha'ara'ah?
(b) How did Rabah bar bar Chanah Amar Rebbi Yochanan define G'mar Bi'ah
regarding Shifchah Charufah, when he came from Eretz Yisrael to Bavel?
(c) How did he then explain the Beraisa, which defines Shichvas-Zera as
Meiruk? What does Meiruk mean?
(d) How would Rabah bar bar Chanah define Ha'ara'ah?
(a) When Rav Dimi arrived in Bavel, he quoted Yochanan as saying that
Ha'ara'ah is Hachnasas Atarah. What did he retort when they told him that
Rabah bar bar Chanah said otherwise?
(b) When Ravin arrived in Bavel, he too, quoted Rebbi Yochanan as defining
Ha'ara'ah as Hachnasas Atarah. Rav Dimi and Ravin definitely disagree with
Rabah bar bar Chanah. Does it necessarily follow that they also argue with
Shmuel, who holds that Neshikah is called Ha'ara'ah?
(c) Rav Shmuel bar Yehudah also arrived in Bavel from Eretz Yisrael. In
his opinion, Rebbi Yochanan defined Ha'ara'ah as Hachnasas Atarah. Then
how does he define G'mar Bi'ah?
(d) Is it possible to reconcile Rav Shmuel bar Yehudah with Shmuel (that
Neshikah is also included in Ha'ara'ah) like we did Rav Dimi and Ravin?
Answers to questions
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