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Prepared by P. Feldman
of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Yevamos 34

YEVAMOS 33 & 34 - sponsored by Hagaon Rav Yosef Pearlman of London, a living demonstration of love for and adoration of the Torah.


(a) Question: Which Tana holds of Isur Kolel, Isur Mosif and Isur Bas Achas?
(b) Answer #1(Rav Yehudah): R. Meir.
1. (Beraisa): One can bring 4 sin-offerings and 1 guilt-offering for one eating - a Tamei person that ate Chelev (forbidden fats) that was leftover (past the allowed time) from a sacrifice on Yom Kipur;
i. R. Meir says, if it was Shabbos, and he took the food in his mouth into a public domain he is also liable for this!
ii. Chachamim: That is not relevant to his liability for eating.
2. Question: Who is R. Meir going as?
i. Suggestion: If as R. Yehoshua - but he says, one who mistakenly errs while engaging in a Mitzvah does not bring a sin-offering!
ii. Rather, he goes as R. Eliezer.
3. Answer: Actually, he can hold as R. Yehoshua.
i. R. Yehoshua exempted someone that circumcised the wrong child on Shabbos, since he is nervous to do it in time - in our case, he is not rushed.
4. Question: But there is no time pressure by Trumah, and R. Yehoshua exempts!
i. (Mishnah): A man was eating Trumah, and learned that his mother was divorced or did Chalitzah (i.e. he is an invalid Kohen). R. Eliezer says he pays the principle and a fifth; R. Yehoshua says he is exempt.
5. Answer (Rav Bibi Bar Abaye): The case is, he was eating Trumah on Erev Pesach, when there is time pressure.
(c) Answer #2: It suffices to say that our Tana holds of Isur Bas Achas, as R. Shimon.
1. We understand how the prohibitions of a married woman, a brother's wife and a wife's sister come simultaneously - the brothers made a messenger to engage the girls, they made a messenger to receive engagement, and both engagements were given together.
2. Question: How does the prohibition of Nidah come simultaneous with the other prohibitions?
3. Answer (Rav Amram): They were Nidah when the boys became 13 (Bar Mitzvah) - this makes the boys' prohibitions come simultaneously;
4. They were Nidah when the girls became 12 (Bas Mitzvah) - this makes their prohibitions come simultaneously.
(a) (Mishnah): We separate them (perhaps they are pregnant) ...
(b) Question: A woman cannot become pregnant from the 1st time she has relations!
(c) Answer (Rav Nachman): They had relations twice.
(d) Question: But R. Chiya taught, 16 sin-offering are brought - if they had relations twice, there would be 32!
1. Counter-question: You must admit, according to R. Eliezer, that says one is liable for each pleasurable action of relations, they are liable more than 16!
(e) Answer: Rather, you must say that we are only counting the sin-offerings brought for the 1st pleasurable act - similarly, we are only counting for the 1st relations!

(f) Question (Rava): But Tamar became pregnant from her first act of relations!
(g) Answer (Rav Nachman): She enabled this by removing her Besulim with her finger.
1. (R. Yitzchak): All girls of Rebbi's house that did this were called Tamar.
(h) Question: Her 1st relations were not with Yehudah - she had previously married Er and Onan!
(i) Answer: Er and Onan had abnormal relations with her.
(j) Question (Beraisa - R. Eliezer): All 24 months (of nursing), her husband spills the seed outside;
1. Chachamim: This is like Er and Onan!
(k) Answer: It is like them in one respect, unlike them in another.
1. It is like them regarding "He spilled on the ground";
2. It is unlike them, since they had abnormal relations, and the Beraisa speaks of normal relations.
(l) Question: We know that Onan did this from the above verse - how do we know that Er did so?
(m) Answer (Rav Nachman Bar Yitzchak): "(Hash-m) killed him also" - he died the same way.
(n) We understand, Onan did this because he knew that the child would not be considered his (but rather, as his brother's).
1. Question: Why did Er do this?
2. Answer: Lest she get pregnant and become less beautiful.
(o) (Beraisa - R. Yehudah): "With her" - to exclude a Kalah (she does not become T'mei'ah from her first relations); Chachamim say, to exclude abnormal relations.
1. Suggestion (Hon, Rav Nachman' son): R. Yehudah holds that the Torah was concerned for a Kalah's make-up (and decreed that she is Tahor, so she should not have to go to the Mikveh)!
2. Rejection (Rav Nachman): No, rather because she cannot become pregnant from first relations.
(p) Question: What is the source of the dispute!
(q) Answer: Chachamim learn - "Semen" - to exclude Ha'arah (the first stage of relations); "Her" - to exclude abnormal relations;
1. R. Yehudah learns that both of these are excluded from "Semen"; "her" excludes a Kalah.
(a) (Ravin): A woman that did not have relations for 10 years after having being married, will not give birth.
(b) (Rav Nachman): But if she planned to remarry, she can become pregnant.
1. Rava (to his wife): Chachamim are suspicious of you!
2. Rava's wife: I was planning to marry you.
(c) A woman came in front of Rav Yosef. 'I waited 10 years before remarrying, and gave birth'!
1. Rav Yosef: Do not discredit the sages' words!
2. The woman admitted that she had had relations with a Nachri in the interim.
(d) Version #1 (Shmuel): All women that had relations must wait 3 months before marrying someone else (to avoid any doubt, who fathered her child), except for a minor that converted or was freed from slavery;
(e) A minor Yisraelis must wait.
(f) Question: After what must the minor wait?
1. Suggestion #1: If she did Mi'un - Shmuel says she need not wait!
2. Suggestion #2: If she was divorced - Shmuel already said that she must wait!
i. (Shmuel): If she did Mi'un, she need not wait 3 months; if he gave her a Get, she must wait.
(g) Answer: She must wait after extramarital relations.
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