Prepared by P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Yevamos 20
(a) Here too, we should say that she still has the status of
a Yevamah, and Chalitzah should be required!
(b) "He will take her as a wife" - once he takes her, she is
as his wife in all respects.
(c) Question: But the Torah also wrote "And he will do Yibum"
- (she still has the status of a Yevamah)"!
1. Why do we prefer to learn from the verse that says
she is as his wife?
2. Answer: It is reasonable to apply the leniency (to
divorce her without Chalitzah) to the permitted case
(regular Yibum), and the prohibition to the
forbidden case (the wife of a brother that died
before the Yavam was born).
(d) R. Shimon says, since he entered the world when she was
permitted, she remains permitted.
(e) Question: Shimon is born after his maternal sister
married Shimon's paternal brother; the brother dies - R.
Shimon should also say that he may do Yibum, since he
found her permitted?!
(f) Answer: No - the prohibition of a maternal sister is
(g) Question: R. Shimon should likewise say, the prohibition
of the wife of a brother that died before the Yavam was
born is there!
(h) Answer: That prohibition is sometimes lifted; a maternal
sister is never permitted.
(a) (Mishnah): The general rule is: any prohibition of Ervah
does neither Yibum nor Chalitzah;
(b) A prohibition of Mitzvah or Kedushah does Chalitzah but
not Yibum;
1. A prohibition of Mitzvah - Sheniyos (Rabbinically
forbidden relations); a prohibition of Kedushah - a
widow to a Kohen Gadol, a woman that was divorced or
did Chalitzah to a regular Kohen, a Mamzeres or
Nesinah to a Yisrael, a Bas Yisrael to a Nasin or
(c) Her sister that is her Yevamah, does Chalitzah or Yibum.
(d) (Gemara) Question: 'A general rule' - what does this come
to include?
(e) Version #1 - Answer (Rafram Bar Papa): The Tzarah of an
Ailonis, as Rav Asi holds.
(f) Version #2: Prohibitions of Ervah - this is when the
Tzarah is forbidden - in other cases, the Tzarah is
1. Question: What does this come to exclude?
2. Answer (Rafram Bar Papa): The Tzarah of an Ailonis -
unlike Rav Asi.
(g) (Mishnah): Her sister that is her Yevamah ...
(h) Question: Whose sister?
(i) Suggestion: If the sister of prohibitions of Mitzvah -
D'oraisa, they fall to Yibum - this is the sister of his
Yevamah (and he may not marry her)!
(j) Rather, the sister of Ervah.
(k) (Mishnah): Prohibitions of Mitzvah - Sheniyos.
1. Question: Why are these called prohibitions of
2. Answer (Abaye): It is a Mitzvah to obey the commands
of Chachamim.
(l) (Mishnah): Prohibitions of Kedushah - a widow to a Kohen
Gadol ...
1. Question: Why are these called prohibitions of
2. Answer: The Torah says, "They will be holy" ...
(m) (Beraisa): R. Yehudah learns oppositely prohibitions of
Mitzvah are a widow to a Kohen Gadol ...
1. Question: Why are these called prohibitions of
2. Answer: "These are the Mitzvos".
(n) Prohibitions of Kedushah - Sheniyos.
1. Question: Why are these called prohibitions of
2. Answer #1(Abaye): One who fulfills Rabbinic
commandments is called holy.
3. Objection (Rava): One who does not keep Rabbinic
commandments - he is just not called holy - is he
not called evil?!
4. Answer #2 (Rava): Sanctify yourselves (by
prohibiting) what is permitted to you.
(a) (Mishnah): A widow to a Kohen Gadol.
(b) We do not distinguish if she was widowed from engagement
or marriage.
1. We understand, if widowed from marriage, she is
forbidden with a Lav and an Aseh, and an Asei
(Yibum) does not override them.
(c) Question: If widowed from engagement - she is only
forbidden by a Lav - the Asei should override this (Yibum
should be allowed)!
(d) Answer #1 (Rav Gidal): His Yevamah will ascend to the
gate" - "His Yevamah" is extra, to teach that there is a
Yevamah that does Chalitzah but not Yibum - Chayavei
1. Question: Why not say, Chayavei Kerisus?
2. Answer: "If he does not want" - if he did want, he
could do Yibum - anyone that can do Yibum, does
Chalitzah (if not Yibum); - anyone that cannot do
Yibum, does not do Chalitzah.
3. Question: If so the same should apply to Chayavei
4. Answer: The Torah included these for Chalitzah -
"His Yevamah".
5. Question: What do you see (to apply the inclusion
for Chayavei Lavin and not Chayavei Kerisus)?
6. Answer: It is more reasonable to include Chayavei
Lavin, since engagement takes effect by them, but
not by Chayavei Kerisus.
7. Question (Rava): Prohibitions of Mitzvah or
Kedushah, if he did Yibum or Chalitzah, the Tzarah
is exempted.
i. If the Torah says that Chayavei Lavin do
Chalitzah but not Yibum, why is the Tzarah
exempted by Yibum?
8. Answer (Rava): The two clauses are said in different
i. Yibum exempts the Tzarah - by prohibitions of
ii. Chalitzah exempts the Tzarah - by prohibitions
of Kedushah.
9. Question (Rava - Beraisa): A Petzu'a Daka or Krus
Shafchah or eunuch (castrated men, who are forbidden
to marry) or a man too old to have children - they
do Chalitzah or Yibum;
10. If one of these died - if a brother gave a Ma'amar,
a document of divorce, or Chalitzah, it takes
effect; if he did Yibum, he acquires her;
11. If a brother died, and one of these gave a Ma'amar,
a document of divorce, or Chalitzah, it takes
effect; if he did Yibum, he acquires her, but they
may not remain married - "A Petzu'a Daka will not
marry ...".
i. If D'oraisa, Chayavei Lavin do Chalitzah but
not Yibum - why does he acquire her through
(e) Answer #2 (Rava): A widow from engagement is also
prohibited by an Asei and a Lav - the Asei is "They
(Kohanim) will be holy".
1. Question: This does not answer for Mamzeres or
2. Answer: They have the Asei "You will sanctify
3. Objection: If so - every Lav in the Torah is also an
(f) Answer #3 (Rava): Chachamim decreed that a widow from
engagement should not do Yibum, on account of a widow
from marriage.
1. Question: This does not answer for Mamzeres or
2. Answer: Chachamim decreed that they should not do
Yibum, lest one marry them when there is no Mitzvah
of Yibum.
3. Objection: If so, we should decree that the wife of
a paternal brother should not do Yibum, lest one do
Yibum on the wife of a maternal brother!
4. Answer: People will not confuse these cases, they
know that Yibum depends on inheritance.
5. Objection: We should say that the wife of a brother
that died after the Yavam was born should not do
Yibum, on account of the wife of a brother that died
before the Yavam was born!
6. Answer: Answer: People will not confuse these cases,
they know that Yibum depends on dwelling together in
the world.
7. Objection: All women should not do Yibum, on account
of an Ailonis!
8. Answer: An Ailonis is uncommon, we do not decree on
account of her.
9. Objection: Mamzeres and Nesinah are also uncommon!
(g) Answer #4 (Rava): We decreed not to do Yibum, lest he
have a 2nd act of relations with her (which is
1. Support (Beraisa): If they did Yibum - he acquires
her with the 1st act of relations, and may not have
further relations.
(h) Retraction (Rava): My answer is wrong - Reish Lakish
taught, an Asei only overrides a Lav if both cannot be
1. Here, both can be fulfilled through Chalitzah!
(i) Question (Beraisa): If they did Yibum, he acquires her -
(j) A Kohen Gadol does Yibum with a widow. R. Yochanan and R.
Elazar argued.
1. One says that the Tzarah is exempted, one says that
she is not.
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