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Yevamos 75

1) [line 1] "...B'CHOL KODESH LO SIGA [V'EL HA'MIKDASH LO SAVO AD MELOS YEMEI TAHORAH.]" - "...she (a woman after childbirth) shall touch no consecrated thing, [nor come into the sanctuary, until the days of her purity are fulfilled.]" (Vayikra 12:4) - The Gemara below (on this page) explains that this refers to *eating* Kodesh and Terumah.

2) [line 12] METZORA MUCHLAT
See Background to Yevamos 74:17.

3) [line 16] LO HUTAR MI'CHELALO - there is no exception to the general prohibition of Zav; [as long as he has emissions of Zov, he is Tamei. However, there is an exception to the general prohibition of Yoledes. There is a period of time when a Yoledes sees blood and is permitted from the Torah to her husband - see Background to Yevamos 74:21]

*4a*) [line 28] MAH MIKDASH, DAVAR SHE'YESH BO NETILAS NESHAMAH - that is, Kares
*b*) [line 28] AF KODESH, DAVAR SHE'YESH BO NETILAS NESHAMAH - that is, Kares for eating Kodesh, and Misah b'Yedei Shamayim for eating Terumah

*5*) [line 31] HACHI KA'AMAR, NEGI'AH K'ACHILAH - that is, just as we find that touching and eating *Kodshim* are equated, so too, since it is prohibited to *eat* Terumah b'Tum'ah it should be prohibited to *touch* it b'Tum'ah (TOSFOS DH Negi'ah; see, however, Rashi DH v'Iy Ba'is Eima.

6) [line 39] PAKA KINYANEI - the marriage of the Kohen and his wife has ceased (lit. his ownership has ceased)

7) [line 42] NIMOKU - dissolved, disintegrated (and shrunk)
8) [line 44] KEREM B'YAVNEH - the Yeshiva in Yavneh where the students sat in rows resembling grapevines in a vineyard

9) [line 45] SERIS CHAMAH - a person who was impotent from birth or whose impotence came about through natural causes; e.g. sickness

10) [last line] D'SALIK L'DIKLA -who climbed up a date palm


11) [line 1] CHARZEI SILVA - a thorn or barb [of the date palm] pierced him
12) [line 1] K'CHUT D'MUGLA -a threadlike discharge of pus
13) [line 9] DACH - crushed
14) [line 11] CHUTEI VEITZIM - the vas deferens
15) [line 22] SIFSEI - his lip
16) [line 23] CHOTMO - his nose
17a) [line 25] SHOFECH - flows gently
b) [line 26] MEKA'LE'ACH - brings forth in an uninterrupted flow

18) [line 30] L'MATAH ME'ATARAH SHE'KENEGDO L'MA'ALAH ME'ATARAH - (a) [the Ever was pierced by an object that entered] below the Atarah (on the side away from the body) and exited above the Atarah (on the side of the body) (RASHI); (b) [since the Atarah is wider on the top of the Ever than on the bottom, an object that pierces the Ever from above enters] below the Atarah and exits correspondingly above the Atarah (when it emerges directly below) (TOSFOS DH Nikev)

19) [line 36] TOSFA'AH - Rava, the Reciter of Tosefta'os; alt. Rava, the one who fully pronounces the words of the verses (see Rashi to Avodah Zarah 9a, in the middle and at the end of the page)

20) [line 37] K'KULMUS - [diagonally,] like [the cut at the end of] a quill
b) [line 38] K'MARZEV - [V-shaped,] like a gutter
21) [line 38] SHALIT BAH AVIRA - it is cooled by the air
22) [line 39] HAI GARID - (a) this type (k'Marzev) causes *friction* and does not interfere with ejaculation, since the outside surface of the Ever is not marred; (b) this type (k'Kulmus) *scrapes out* the semen from the cervical canal

23) [line 41] GERIDUSA - (a) friction; (b) scraping
24) [line 41] BARZA - the spigot of a barrel
25) [line 44] L'SHABUSHEI L'MEREIMAR HU D'VA'I - his intention was to confuse Mereimar (to test his Torah learning)

26) [line 45] MASA MECHASYA - the city of Mechasya (probably a suburb of Sura)
27) [line 45] SHAFYEI - smoothed it, cut off the sides (changing what looked like a Marzev into a Kulmus, since he ruled like Rav Huna)

28) [line 46] PUMBEDISA - the location of a great Yeshiva in Bavel (lit. Mouth of Bedisa, a canal of the Euphrates)

29) [line 46] ISTATIM GUVSA D'SHICHVAS ZERA - the spermatic duct was blocked (Guvsa - a hollow reed or tube)

30) [last line] MISHUM (D'ASU) [D'ASISU - Girsas ha'Bach #1] MI'MULA'EI - (a) since you come from a severed (short-lived) family (the House of Eli, whose male members were cursed to die young - see Shmuel I 2:27-35) (RASHI); (b) since you come from a family with a permanent, incurable blemish (RASHI to Kesuvos 85a); (c) since you come from the town of Memula, the residence of the House of Eli (TOSFOS, RASHBAM to Bava Basra 137b); (d) since you are a great person (ARUCH)

31) [Yevamos 76a, line 1] AMRISU MILEI MULYASA - (a) you say severed words (that have no foundation) (RASHI to Eruvin 25b); (b) you say blemished words (RASHI to Bava Metzia 109a); (c) you say great (impossible) words (ARUCH)

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