prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Sotah 49
SOTAH 49 (Siyum!) - sponsored by Jeff Ram (Atlanta/Jerusalem), an avid
Dafyomi learner and a loyal supporter of Kollel Iyun Hadaf. May he and his
wife always have much Nachas from their wonderful children and
(a) Why would one expect poor people to sell 'Revav'? What is Revav?
(b) What does Rebbi Ila'ah bar Yeverechyah ...
- ... learn from the Pasuk in Tehilim "Shisah Hashem Morah Lahem"? What does "Morah" mean.
- ... say would be the lot of Talmidei-Chachamim, were it not for Chavakuk's prayers?
- ... learn from the Pasuk in Melachim (written in connection with Eliyahu and Elisha) "Vayehi Heimah Holchim Haloch ve'Daber ve'Hinei Rechev Eish .. "?
(c) What does Rebbi Ila'ah bar Yeverechyah learn from the Pasuk "Lanus
Shamah Rotzei'ach Asher Yirtzach es Re'eihu bi'V'li Da'as" (regarding two
Talmidei-Chachamim who live in the same town)?
(a) What does Rav Yehudah Brei de'Rav Chiya say about the Tefilos of a
Talmid-Chacham who learns Torah in spite of his poverty?
(b) Rebbi Avahu adds that he is also satiated with the glory of the
Shechinah. What does he mean (see Agados Maharsha)?
(c) What reward does Rav Acha bar Chanina add to that?
(a) The Pasuk in Ki Savo writes "ba'Boker Tomar Mi Yiten Erev, u'va'Erev
Yomar Mi Yiten Boker". Why can "Boker" in the latter phrase not refer to
the morning after?
(b) Then how does Rava explain it? What does he prove from there?
(c) If that is so, the world ought to have been destroyed long ago. Which
two things keep it going?
(d) What is the significance of Kedushah de'Sidra and 'Amen Yehei Sh'mei
Rabah' in this context?
(a) Rebbi Shimon ben Elazar in our Mishnah connected the good smell of fruit
to Taharah. What is the connection?
(b) How did Rav Huna react when Rabah his son ...
- ... recognized the smell of the beautiful-smelling date that he had wrapped in his Sudar?
- ... handed the date to his son Aba?
(c) How did Rav Ya'akov respond when Rav Acha bar Ya'akov his grandfather
(who was also his foster father) asked him for a cup of water?
(d) What adage did they learn ...
- ... from Rav Huna?
- ... from Rav Ya'akov?
(a) When Vespasian attacked Yerushalayim, the Chachamim issued a decree
forbidding Chasanim to wear a Chasan's crown and Eirus (which will be
explained in the Sugya). Which two decrees did they add when Titus
(b) According to the Tana Kama, during the final onslaught of Titus, they
issued a decree forbidding a Kalah to be carried through the town on an
Apiryon. What is an Apiryon?
(c) Why did the Rabbanan (i.e. Rebbi [Rambam]) rescind this decree?
(a) Rebbi Meir was the last of the great parable-sayers, and ben Azai of the
Masmidim (diligent Torah-scholars), who studied day and night. What died
with ...
- ... ben Zoma?
- ... Rebbi Chanina ben Dosa?
(b) What does the Tana mean when he says that Kavod ha'Torah died ...
- ... with Rebbi Akiva?
- ... with Raban Gamliel ha'Zaken?
(c) Rebbi Yossi was the last of the Chasidim. Why was he called 'Rebbi
Yossi Katnasa'?
(d) When Raban Yochanan ben Zakai died, the glory of Chochmah died too,
because his wisdom spanned so many areas (see Agados Maharsha). What died
with ...
- ... Raban Gamliel ha'Zaken (besides Kavod ha'Torah)?
- ... Rebbi Yishmael ben Fiabi (the Kohen Gadol)?
- ... Rebbi?
(a) Rebbi Pinchas ben Yair (or Rebbi Yehoshua) says in our Mishnah that
after the Churban Beis Hamikdash, the Chaveirim (who were careful about
Tum'ah) and the Meyuchasin were embarrassed and ashamed. Why was that?
(b) Men of good deeds lost their authority. Who took their place?
(c) Nobody cares about Yisrael or takes their part. On whom must we rely?
(d) Rebbi Eliezer ha'Gadol observes that since that time, the Chachamim are
on a par with the Sofrim (children's Rebbes), and the Sofrim, like Chazanim
(Shamashim). Like whom did the Chazanim turn out to be?
Answers to questions
(a) The Amei ha'Aretz too, deteriorated, and nobody cared about them or
takes their part ... . In the time leading up to the Mashi'ach, which
Midah will dominate?
(b) What is the meaning of 've'Yoker Ya'amir' (or Ye'aveis)?
(c) Why will wine be expensive in spite of the fact that there will be no
shortage of grapes?
(d) Why will there be no rebuke at that time?
(a) What will happen to ...
- ... the ruling power?
- ... the meeting-places of the Chachamim?
(b) The Galil will be destroyed, the Gavlan will be desolate and the
inhabitants of the border towns will travel from one town to the other in
search of a haven, but will not find one. What will happen to ...
- ... the wisdom of the Chachamim?
- ... those who fear sin?
- ... truth?
(c) The young will shame the old, and children will disrespect their parents
and rebel against them. How will ...
- ... the old treat the young?
- ... the face of the generation look?
(d) A person's own family will be his enemies. If this is how the
generation looks, to whom will we turn for help?
(a) Rav restricts the prohibition of Chasanim wearing crowns to those made
of rock-salt, engraved with sulfur, but permits garlands made of myrtle or
roses. Levi forbids all kinds of crowns. What does Shmuel hold?
(b) Rebbi Elazar describes 'Eirus' which the Rabbanan forbade together with
Chasanim's crowns, as a specific type of bell. Why did Rav Huna break the
'Tanboura' (a specific type of drum) which his son Rabah made for his son's
wedding? What did he advise him to replace it with?
(c) They also banned a crown worn by brides. What ...
- ... sort of crown were they referring to?
- ... sort of head-gear did they permit a bride to wear?
(d) Included in the ban was a Chupas Chasanim. What is a Chupas Chasanim?
What did they permit in its stead?
(a) Chazal forbade the study of the Greek dialect as spoken in the royal
palace, due to an episode that took place during the civil was between
Hurkanus and Aristobulus. How did those besieged in Yerushalayim
(Aristobulus), manage to bring the Korban Tamid each day? From where did
they obtain the two lambs?
(b) What did that old man who had studied Greek philosophy advise Hurkanus
to do that changed the situation? Why did he do that?
(c) What happened next? Which two curses did Chazal subsequently issue?
(d) What is the significance of the fact that, that year, the Omer came form
Gagos Tzerifim and the Sh'tei ha'Lechem from the valley of Ein Sochar? Where
did they usually come from?
(a) How do we reconcile the ban on the royal dialect of Greek and the
statement of Rebbi in a Beraisa that in Eretz Yisrael one should speak
either Lashon ha'Kodesh or Greek, but not Sursian (the Syriac language)?
(b) Out of a thousand members of Raban Shimon ben Gamliel's family, how many
studied Torah and how many, Greek philosophy? How many remained out of those
(c) How will we reconcile this with the Chachamim's ban on Greek philosophy?
(d) For the same reason, they permitted Avtulus ben Reuven to shave the
front of his head and to leave the back. Why was this normally prohibited?
(a) What does the Tana of the Beraisa mean when he said that when Rebbi
Eliezer died, the Sefer-Torah was hidden?
(b) What came to an end with the death of ...
- ... Rebbi Yehoshua?
- ... Rebbi Akiva?
- ... Rebbi Elazar ben Azaryah?
(c) What the Tana of our Mishnah writes about Rebbi Yossi, the Tana of the
Beraisa writes about Aba Yossi ben Katonta. What ,,,
- ... plague, alongside other Tzaros, came upon the world when Raban Shimon ben Gamliel died?
- ... happened to the world when Rebbi died?
(d) We learned in our Mishnah that when Rebbi died, humility and the fear of
sin came to an end. On what grounds did ...
- ... Rav Yosef instruct the Beraisa expert to omit humility from the Mishnah?
- ... Rav Nachman instruct the Beraisa expert to omit the fear of sin?
***** Hadran Alach Eglah Arufah, u'Selika Lah Maseches Sotah *****
Answers to questions
On to Gittin