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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Sotah 17

SOTAH 17 - This Daf has been dedicated in honor of the engagement of Naomi Katz to Yitzchak Kramer.


(a) According to the Tana Kama of our Mishnah (Rebbi Meir), the Kohen writes three Pesukim from Parshas Sotah in the Megilah of a Sotah. 1. "Im Lo Shachav Ish Osach, ve'Im Lo Satis Tum'ah ... "; 2. "ve'At Ki Satis Tachas Ishech"; 3. "Yiten Hashem Osach le'Alah ve'li'Shevu'ah, u'Va'u Vah ha'Mayim ... u'Va'u Vah ha'Mayim ... ". Why specifically these three Pesukim?

(b) Why does he not also include the words "ve'Hishbi'a ha'Kohen es ha'Ishah" (which introduces the first of the above-mentioned Pesukim), and "ve'Amrah ha'Ishah Amen, Amen" (which occurs at the end of the third Pasuk)?

(c) What does Rebbi Yossi say?

(a) Rebbi Yehudah too, argues with the Tana Kama.
Why, in his opinion, does the Kohen not include the first Pasuk ("Im Lo Shachav Ish Osach, ve'Im Lo Satis Tum'ah ... ") in the Megilah?

(b) What does he say about the Tzava'os and the Kabalos? Does the Kohen include them in the Megilah?

(c) The three Tana'im argue over the Pasuk "ve'Kasav es ha'Alos ha'Eileh ha'Kohen ba'Sefer".
What do they all preclude from the Megilah from the word "ha'*Eileh*"?

(d) They also agree that ha'*Alos*" means exactly what it says.
If Rebbi Meir includes K'lalos that are implied from B'rachos from the Pasuk "*ha*'Alos", what does Rebbi Yehudah learn from it?

(a) If Rebbi Yossi includes the Tzava'os and Kabalos from "ve'Kasav *es* ha'Alos ... ", on what grounds do the Rabbanan argue with him?

(b) What do both the Tana Kama and Rebbi Yehudah learn from "ha'Alos *ha*'Eileh"?

(c) On what grounds does Rebbi Meir include (K'lalos that are implied from B'rachos) from the 'Hey' of "ve'Kasav es *ha*'Alos", and exclude (Tzava'os and Kabalos) from the 'Hey' of "ha'Eileh"?

(a) From where do we know that Rebbi Meir does not normally Darshen inferences?

(b) Then how can he Darshen from "Im Lo Shachav Ish Osach ... ", 'K'lalos ha'Ba'os Machmas B'rachos'? What is the significance of the fact that "Hinaki" is written without a 'Yud'?

(a) What does Rebbi Akiva Darshen from the words 'Ish' and 'Ishah'?

(b) If the woman sins it is worse than if the man does.
How is this inherent in the actual words?

(c) The dust that is placed in the Mei Sotah has dual connotations.
To what does it hint, assuming that she is ...

  1. ... innocent?
  2. ... guilty?
(a) Which two Mitzvos did Avraham Avinu merit for his descendants for saying "ve'Anochi Afar va'Eifer"(symbolical of his supreme humility)?

(b) Why Afar Sotah rather than Afar Kisuy ha'Dam?

(c) And for his words to the king of S'dom "Im mi'Chut ve'Ad S'roch Na'al" (symbolical of his integrity) he merited the Mitzvah of Tefilin-(straps) and Tzitzis-threads.
What is the advantage (besides the reward for the Mitzvah in the World to Come) of ...

  1. ... Tefilin-straps?
  2. ... Tzitzis-threads?
(a) From where did Rebbi Eliezer extrapolate that the nations of the world are afraid of Yisrael when they see the Tefilin shel Rosh on their heads?

(b) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Ki Sisa "Va'yir'u es Elokei Yisrael ve'Sachas Raglav ke'Ma'aseh Livnas ha'Sapir u'che'Etzem ha'Shamayim la'Tohar" in conjunction with the Pasuk in Yeshayah "ke'Mar'eh Even ha'Sapir D'mus Kisei"?

Answers to questions



(a) What do we learn from the word in Naso (in connection with Sotah)
  1. ... "ba'Sefer"?
  2. ... "u'Machah"?
(b) The Kohen is not permitted to write the Parshah on a Lu'ach, on Neyar or on Diftera.
What is ...
  1. ... a Lu'ach?
  2. ... Neyar?
  3. ... Diftera?
(c) Nor is he permitted to write it with Kumus or Kankantum.
What is ...
  1. ... 'Kumus'?
  2. ... 'Kankantum'?
(d) Why is that?
(a) What does Rava learn from the 'Gezeirah-Shavah' "Ve'asah Lah ha'Kohen es Kol *ha'Torah* ha'Zos" (Naso), "al-Pi ha'Torah Asher Yorucha ve'Al ha'Mishpat ... " (Shoftim - written in connection with judging)?

(b) From where do we learn that judgment is confined to the daytime?

(c) What does he learn from the Pasuk ...

  1. ... "Ve'kasav es ha'Alos ha'Eileh" (in spite of the fact that we already Darshened from "ve'Eileh" on the previous Amud)?
  2. ... "Ve'hishbi'a ... Ve'kasav"?
(d) And from "ba'Sefer" Rava invalidates a Parshass Sotah that is written on an Igeres.
What is an 'Igeres'?
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