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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Sotah 9


(a) Why did the Sotah's ...
  1. ... nails fall out?
  2. ... her thigh fall and her stomach swell?
  3. ... Korban consist of barley (rather than wheat)?
(b) And why did the Kohen give her water to drink in an earthenware cup?

(c) Some say that the "Yoshev be'Seiser Elyon" gives of His time to orchestrate her punishment for having worked to keep her sin a secret.
How do others explain the 'measure for measure' for doing that?

(a) Now that we learn 'measure for measure' from the Pasuk "Ki Kol Se'on So'en be'Rosh", we learn from the Pasuk "be'Sa'as'ah be'Shalchah Terivenah" like Rav Chinena bar Papa.
What does Rav Chinena bar Papa say about Hashem's punishment of Nochrim?

(b) How does Rava explain the significance of the three cups of punishment mentioned in the butler's dream (in the time of Yosef)?

(c) What problem does this create with the D'rashah of Rav Chinena bar Papa?

(d) Why can we not answer that the Egyptians in the time of Par'oh the lame and certainly those in the time of Mashi'ach, are no longer the same ones, because they were exiled by Sancheriv and exchanged for other nations (as was Sancheriv's custom)?

(a) Who was Minyamin?

(b) Why did he take ...

  1. ... a first generation Egyptian Giyo'res as his wife?
  2. ... a second generation Egyptian Giyo'res for his son?
(c) Do we normally follow the male or the female parent in this regard?
(a) So how do we amend Rav Chinena bar Papa's statement?

(b) Others connect Rav Chinena's statement to the Pasuk in Mal'achi "Ki Ani Hashem Lo Shanisi, ve'Atem B'nei Ya'akov Lo Chilisem".
How does he explain ...

  1. ... "Ki Ani Hashem Lo Shanisi"?
  2. ... "ve'Atem B'nei Ya'akov Lo Chilisem"?
(c) What does this have to do with the Pasuk in Ha'azinu "Chitzai Achaleh Bam"?

(d) According to Rav Hamnuna, at which point does Hashem punish an individual?

(a) In the Pasuk in Tehilim "Ranenu Tzadikim ba'Hashem, la'Yesharim *Navah* Sehilah", how does Rav Chinena bar Papa interpret the word "Navah"? To which two Tzadikim is the Pasuk referring?

(b) The gates of David sunk into the ground.
Where was the Mishkan hidden?

(a) What happens to a Sotah (and to anyone else) who attempts to obtain what is not hers?

(b) The first to suffer his fate was the snake.
What did he want? What did he lose?

(c) Hashem intended him to rule over all the animal kingdom and to eat human food.
What did he receive instead of ...

  1. ... the kingship?
  2. ... eating human food?
  3. ... his attempt to have Adam killed and to take Chavah?
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(a) Kayin, Korach, Bil'am and many others suffered the same fate. Bil'am wanted Balak's money and lost his life, Do'eg and Achitofel were both heads of the Sanhedrin (at different times). Both died before they had reached the age of thirty-five.
What did ...
  1. ... Do'eg want?
  2. ... Achitofel set his eyes on?
(b) Gechazi wanted Na'aman's money and inherited his leprosy instead; and Uziyah ha'Melech wanted the Kehunah Gedolah and contracted Tzara'as.
What did Adoniyah want and what did he get? Who was Adoniyah?
8) Seeing as the Sotah is cursed first via her thighs and then, her stomach 'measure for measure', as we explained in our Mishnah, why does the Torah then invert the order in the Pasuk ...
  1. ... "ve'Tzavsah Bitnah, ve'Naflah Yereichah" (which deals with the actual punishment)?
  2. ... "Latzbos Beten ve'Lanpil Yarech" (which deals with the Kohen's warning to the Sotah)?
(a) Why was ...
  1. ... Shimshon punished by the P'lishtim poking out his eyes?
  2. ... Avshalom punished by being suspended by his hair?
(b) Why did ...
  1. ... Yo'av's armor-bearers shoot *ten* spears into Avshalom's heart?
  2. ... Yo'av shoot three darts into his heart?
(c) How did he steal the hearts of ...
  1. ... his father?
  2. ... Beis-Din?
  3. ... K'lal Yisrael?
(d) Why did ...
  1. ... K'lal Yisrael wait seven days for Miriam when she was stricken with Tzara'as?
  2. ... Yosef merit that Moshe carried his bones for forty years in the desert?
  3. ... Moshe merit that Hashem buried him after his death?
(a) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Yeshayah "Vehalach Lefanecha Tzidkecha Kavod Hashem Ya'asfeka"?

(b) What is the difference between the 'measure for measure' of Resha'im and that of Tzadikim?

(a) How do we reconcile our Mishnah, which places the blame of Shimshon's love of P'lishti women on himself, with the Pasuk in Shoftim, which says "ve'Aviv ve'Imo Lo Yad'u Ki me'Hashem Hu"?

(b) How can the Beraisa say that Shimshon was punished in Aza because that was where he first began to sin with the P'lishti women, when the first place mentioned by the Navi is Timnah?

(c) His last wife was called Delilah. A fitting name, says Rebbi, because 'Dildelah es Kocho, Dildelah es Ma'asav, Dildelah es Libo'.
What is the meaning of ...

  1. ... 'Dildelah'?
  2. ... 'Dildelah es Ma'asav'?
(d) Delilah may have known for sure that Shimshon was finally telling her the truth about his the source of his strength because of the principle 'Nikarin Divrei Emes'.
What other reason might have convinvced her?
(a) How did Delilah induce him to tell her the truth?

(b) What did the angel mean when he told the wife of Mano'ach (Shimshon's mother) not to eat anything that was Tamei?

(c) Why did Hashem cause Shimshon's life to be saved by the water contained inside the jaw-bone of a donkey, of all things?

(a) What is the Pasuk referring to when it writes (regarding the advent of Shimshon) "*Vatechal Ru'ach Hashem* Lefa'amo be'Machaneh Dan"?

(b) What is the connection between the continuation of the above Pasuk "Lefa'amo be'Machaneh Dan"and the Pasuk in Vayakhel "Pa'amon ve'Rimon ... "?

(c) What does Rav Asi comment on the Pasuk "Bein Tzar'ah u'Vein Eshta'ol"?

(d) And what does Rebbi Chama b'Rebbi Chanina comment on the Pasuk "ve'Hu Yachel Lehoshi'a es Yisrael"? What is the connection between this Pasuk and the Pasuk in Vayeira "Im Tishkar Li u'le'Nini u'le'Nechdi"?

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