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Sotah 41

SOTAH 41 (7 Shevat) - This day's Daf has been dedicated by Danny Schwartz, l'Iluy Nishmas Yochanan Shabsai ben Yair, Z"L, whose Yahrzeit is today.

1) [line 1] RECHOV - a plaza
2) [line 3] MEDALGIN BA'NAVI - it is permitted to skip from one chapter to another while reading from the Prophets in public

3) [line 5] HA'TURGEMAN - the one who translates into Aramaic each verse of the Torah reading (This is still the custom today in Yemenite congregations)

4) [line 6] V'HA ALAH KETANI - But about this [Beraisa the following stipulation] was recorded

5) [line 13] SHNEIM ASAR - The book of Scriptures known as the Trei Asar, which is a compilation of the prophecies of twelve different prophets

6) [line 14] MI'SOF HA'SEFER LI'TECHILASO - towards the beginning of the scroll
7) [line 16] SHE'LO L'HOTZI LA'AZ AL SEFER TORAH - in order not to cause bad rumors to be spoken about the Sefer Torah (that it was missing the portion that the Kohen Gadol was now saying by heart)

8) [line 18] V'LIKARCHEI - Why does he not roll it (lit. fold it -- but see Yoma 70a) [to the location of "ube'Asor?"]

9) [line 19] PEGAMO SHEL RISHON - the discredit of the first Sefer Torah (so that people should not think that the second Sefer Torah was used because the first Sefer Torah was missing some letters or words)

10) [line 25] K'TIKNAN - the way they are instituted, similar to the way we say the blessings of Retzei (Avodah), Modim (Hoda'ah) and Mechol la'Avonoseinu (Mechilas he'Avon) in our prayers on Yom ha'Kipurim. Retzei ended with the words she'Osecha Levadecha b'Yir'ah Na'avod, which is the Nusach of most Machzorim.

11) [line 27] TECHINAH RINAH U'VAKASHAH MILEFANECHA - [we are offering] a petition, a prayer and a request from You

12) [line 30] L'HAR'OS CHAZUSO LA'RABIM - to show its beautiful appearance (and the splendor of its owner, who wrote it) to the populace

All of the Jewish people are obligated in the Mitzvah of Hakhel once every seven years, as it states in Devarim 31:10-13, "At the end of every seven years, in the Shemitah year, during the festival of Sukos, when all of Yisrael comes to appear before HaSh-m in the place which He shall choose, you shall read this Torah before all of Yisrael. Gather the people together, men, women and children...that they may hear, and learn, and fear HaSh-m, your Elokim, and observe all the words of this Torah." This takes place in the Beis ha'Mikdash on the second day of Sukos in the year following the Shemitah year. During Hakhel, the King reads from the Torah portions of Devarim, as specified in our Mishnah.

14) [line 31] CHAG - Sukos
15) [line 31] MOTZA'EI SHEVI'IS - in the [beginning of the] year that follows the Shemitah year

16) [line 31] BIMAH SHEL ETZ - (O.F. almenbre) a wooden platform
17) [line 34] AGRIPAS HA'MELECH - King Agrippa (Herod Agrippa I), the last king of Yisrael, grandson of King Herod and his wife Miriam (the granddaughter of Hyrkanus the Hasmonean), who ruled between the years 41-44 CE. Agrippa was a pious and benevolent king. His son Herod Agrippa II ruled over Chalcis and later an area to the east of the Yarden River. In the year 52 CE Herod Agrippa II was entrusted by the Roman emperor Claudius with the supervision of the Beis ha'Mikdash and the right to appoint the Kohanim Gedolim, but he was not given the rule over Judea.

18) [line 35] ZALGU EINAV DEMA'OS - his eyes flowed with tears
19) [line 37] "ASER TE'ASER" - (source -- Devarim 14:22)
20) [line 37] "KI SECHALEH LA'SER" - (source -- Devarim 26:12)
21) [line 39] NOSEN SHEL REGALIM TACHAS MECHILAS HE'AVON - he substitutes the blessing "Mekadesh Yisrael veha'Zemanim" in place of "Mechlas ha'Avon" (Mishnah Daf 40b, Background to Sotah 40:35)

22a) [line 40] SHEMINI - eighth (in the male gender) day, "Yom ha'Shemini"
b) [line 40] SHEMINIS - eighth (in the female gender) year, "Shanah ha'Sheminis"

23) [line 41] MISRAMI - comes out, falls


24) [line 14] "SOM TASIM ALECHA MELECH...MI'KEREV ACHECHA TASIM ALECHA MELECH; LO SUCHAL LASES ALECHA ISH NOCHRI ASHER LO ACHICHA HU." - "You shall surely set over yourself a king...from among your brothers you shall set over yourself a king, you may not put over you a foreigner who is not your brother." (Devarim 17:15)

25) [line 17] SON'EI YISRAEL - (lit. the enemies of Yisrael) a euphemism for the Jews
26) [line 17] KELAYAH - destruction
27) [line 18] HECHENIFU - they flattered
28) [line 19] EGROFAH - (lit. the fist) the strength (this word includes a play on the name Agripas -- MAHARSHA)

29) [line 20] NIS'AVSU HA'DININ/HA'DAYANIN - the laws or judges became crooked
30) [line 22] REBBI YEHUDAH BAR MA'ARAVA - Rebbi Yehudah of the West, i.e. from Eretz Yisrael

31) [line 24] "LO YIKAREI OD L'NAVAL, NADIV; UL'CHILAI LO YE'AMER SHO'A" - "The vile person shall be no more called noble, nor the miser said to be generous." (Yeshayah 32:5)

32) [line 27] "[VA'YOMER YAKOV, 'AL NA, IM NA MATZASI CHEN B'EINECHA, V'LAKACHTA MINCHASI MI'YADI; KI AL KEN RA'ISI FANECHA,] KI'R'OS PENEI ELOKIM VA'TIRTZEINI.'" - "[And Yakov said, 'No, I beg you, if now I have found favor in your eyes, then receive my present from my hand; forasmuch as I have seen your face] as one sees the face of an Angel of Elokim, and you were pleased with me.'" (Bereishis 33:10)

33) [line 31] MISTEFI - he is afraid
34) [line 31] V'LO KATIL LEI - and does not kill him
35) [line 32] "V'CHANFEI LEV YASIMU AF; LO YESHAV'U KI ASARAM." - "But the flatterers heap up wrath; they do not cry out [to Him] when He afflicts them (because it will not help)." (Iyov 36:13)

36) [line 35] "OMER LA'RASHA 'TZADIK ATAH', YIKVU'HU LE'UMIM, YIZ'AMUHU LE'UMIM. [VELA'MOCHICHIM YIN'AM; VA'ALEIHEM TAVO VIRKAS TOV.]" - "He who says to the wicked, 'You are righteous;' him shall the people curse, nations shall loathe him. [But those who rebuke him shall have delight, and a good blessing shall come on them.]" (Mishlei 24:24-25)

37) [line 36] "[MAH EKOV] LO KABO KEL?" - "How can I curse when HaSh-m has not cursed?" (Bamidbar 23:8)

38) [line 37] "[SHNEI GOYIM B'VITNECH, U'SHNEI LE'UMIM MI'ME'AYICH YIPAREDU;] U'L'OM MI'LE'OM YE'EMATZ, [V'RAV YA'AVOD TZA'IR.]" - "[Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples shall be separated from your insides;] and one people shall be stronger than the other [and the elder shall serve the younger.]" (Bereishis 25:23)

39) [line 38] "HOY HA'OMRIM LA'RA TOV VELA'TOV RA; [SAMIM CHOSHECH L'OR V'OR L'CHOSHECH, SAMIM MAR L'MASOK U'MASOK LMAR!]" - "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; [who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!]" (Yeshayah 5:20)

40) [line 38] "LACHEN KE'ECHOL KASH ESH, VA'CHASHASH LEHAVAH YIRPEH, SHORSHAM KA'MAK YIHEYEH, U'FIRCHAM KA'AVAK YA'ALEH." - "Therefore as the fire devours the stubble, and the flame consumes the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust; because they have cast away the Torah of HaSh-m, and despised the word of the Holy One of Yisrael." (Yeshayah 5:24) - The metaphor of this verse is understood by our Gemara as Gehinom.

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