prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Shekalim 17
(a) According to the Rabbanan of Aba Yossa ben Yochanan (who is the author
of our Mishnah), the Azarah had only *seven* gates, not thirteen. What was
the significance, according to them, of the thirteen prostrations?
(b) When the Beraisa speaks about something that, from the Kodesh Kodshim up
to the Paroches resembles the horns of a snail, what is it referring to?
(c) How thick will the stream be from the Paroches until it reaches ...
- ... the Mizbe'ach ha'Zahav
- ... to the threshold of the house (according to the text of the Gra)?
- ... from there till the Azaros?
(d) How thick will it become from the time it leaves the right-hand side of
the Azaros for the next thousand Amos?
(a) The stream will become ankle-deep for another thousand Amos, and knee-
deep for another thousand Amos and then up to the loins. How does the Navi
Yechezkel describe the river after that?
(b) Why are they then called "Mei Sachu"?
(c) According to Rebbi Yonasan, from Beis David until Yerushalayim the water
will be Kasher for a Nidah and for Mei Chatas, but beyond that, only for the
former but not for the latter. Why is that?
(d) According to Rebbi Elazar, beyond Yerushalayim, the water will not even
be Kasher for a Nidah either. Why is that?
(a) The water of this river will fall into the water of the Galil - this is
Yam Samchu (Savchu, according to some), Yam ha'Aravah, ha'Yamah and to the
Yamah ha'Motze'im. What is a better-known name for ...
- ... Yam ha'Aravah?
- ... ha'Yamah?
- ... Yamah ha'Motze'im?
(b) How many more seas surround Eretz Yisrael?
(c) Why does the Navi refer to the Yam ha'Gadol as "ha'Yamah ha'Motze'im"?
(d) According to one opinion, the water on those two occasions went as far
as France or Barbaria (possibly Germany). According to the second opinion,
the second deluge only went as far as the towns referred to in the Pasuk in
Iyov "Ad Poh Savo" ... "u'Poh Yashis Ge'on Galecha". To which two towns
does this refer?
(a) We learnt above that the river will fall into Yam Teverya, Yam ha'Melach
and the Mediterranean Sea. It will need to fall into the latter two to
make their water sweet; but what would it achieve by mixing with the already
sweet waters of Yam Teverya?
(b) How many different kinds of fish dishes did they bring before Rabban
Shimon ben Gamliel in Tzidon?
(c) Since the water is also described as possessing healing powers, why did
Yechezkel speak about a place called 'Lo Yeraf'u'?
(d) Rebbi Yehudah learns from the Pasuk "la'Chadashav Yevaker" that the
water will cause the crops to grow monthly (instead of every six months),
and the fruits of the tree every two months (instead of once a year). Rebbi
Yossi disagrees. What does he say? How does he prove his point from what
happened in the days of Yo'el? How does he explain the phrase "la'Chadashav
Yevaker", which implies once every two months?
(a) Rebbi Yochanan explains that one will be able to suck the leaves of the
tree and be sustained as if he ate its fruit. (This is how some Meforshim
explain 'Meitzitz Aleha ve'Taraf Mezonah'). Others explain the word
"li'Terufah" as an acronym for 'Lehatir Peh'. What are the two possible
meanings of 'Lehatir Peh'?
(b) On what terms did Nevuchadnetzar desist from destroying Yerushalayim in
the days of Yechonyah (eleven years before the Churban)?
(c) How did Yechonyah (who only ascended the throne three months earlier)
react when the Sanhedrin informed him that Nevuchadnetzar wanted him?
(a) After taking leave from Hashem in the Beis Hamikdash, he took the keys
of the Beis Hamikdash and threw them into the air. Why did he do that?
(b) There are two opinions as to what happened to the keys. What are they?
(c) What did the princes of Yehudah do when they saw that Hashem did not
want their service and that the king had given up in despair?
Answers to questions
Halachah 3
(a) There were thirteen tables in the Beis Hamikdash. Where were eight of
them placed, of what material were they made and what were they used for?
(b) Two tables were placed on the west of the Mizbe'ach, one was made of
marble, the other, of silver. What was each one used for?
(c) Two tables were placed in the Ulam (just outside the Heichal, where the
main marble-table (which housed the Lechem ha'Panim for eight days) was
located, one of marble, one of gold. What was each table used for?
(a) According to the Tana of the Beraisa, the second table in the Ulam was
made of silver, rather than of marble, because 'Ein Aniyus bi'Mekom
Ashirus'. Why does the Tana of our Mishnah disagree with that?
(b) Based on the Pasuk in Shmuel "la'Sum Lechem Cham be'Yom Hilakcho", what
does the Tana of the Beraisa say to that?
(c) What does the Tana of our Mishnah say to that?
(a) What She'eilah does the Gemara pose with regard to a case where there is
no fresh bread to place on the Shulchan one Shabbos (according to the second
explanation of the Korban ha'Eidah)?
(b) How does the Gemara resolve it from the Pasuk in Terumah "ve'Nasata al
ha'Shulchan Lechem Panim Lefanai Tamid"?
(a) Shlomoh Hamelech made ten extra tables which were all placed in the
Heichal. In how many rows were they arranged?
(b) What does "Chamishah mi'Yemin, va'Chamishah mi'Semo'l" (in Divrei
Hayamim) mean?
(c) Why can we not interpret it literally (i.e. that five of the tables were
placed on the north side of the Heichal (north of the entrance) , and five
on the south (south of the entrance)?
(d) There are two Pesukim: 1. "es ha'Shulchan Asher Alav Lechem ha'Panim"
(Melachim) 2. "es ha'Shulchanos va'Aleihem Lechem ha'Panim". What does
- ... the Tana Kama learn from the former Pasuk?
- ... Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Yehudah from the latter?
According to Rebbi, the tables were placed from east to west, as we
explained earlier. What does Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Yehudah hold?
Answers to questions
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