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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Shekalim 15


(a) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Korach ...
  1. ... "Kachah Ye'asah *la'Shor ha'Echad*?
  2. ... "O la'Ayil"?
  3. ... "O la'Seh ba'Kevasim"?
  4. ... "O ba'Izim"?
(b) Why would we have otherwise made a distinction in each of these cases?

(c) We learnt in our Mishnah that, in order to avoid someone using a disc that he had not paid for, or that he had paid for when the animals were cheap, and then use it later in the week when the price had gone up, the day of the week appeared on the disk.
How would they ensure that he did not use it ...

  1. ... the same day of the following week?
  2. ... the following month, or even ...
  3. ... the following year?
(a) What was ...
  1. ... the 'Lishkas Chasha'im', and why was it called by that name?
  2. ... the 'Lishkas ha'Keilim'?
(b) How often did they empty the Lishkas ha'Keilim, and how did they sort out its contents?

(c) Rebbi Ya'akov bar Idi and Rebbi Yitzchak bar Nachman used to give a Dinar to Rebbi Chama bar Hoshay'a to give to a poor man.
Why did they do this?

(d) What did they discover about Rebbi Zecharyah the son-in-law of Rebbi Levi after he died?

(a) Why did the demon chief quote the Pasuk in Shoftim "Lo Sasig Gevul Rei'acha"?

(b) What did Rebbi Chanina bar Papa mean when *he* quoted the Pasuk in Mishlei "Matan be'Seiser Yichpeh Af"?

(c) What happened next?

(d) Why does the Pasuk in Tehilim write "Ashrei Maskil el Dal"?

(a) How did Rebbi Yonah apply the above Pasuk in Tehilim, when he came across a man of refined character who had lost his money?

(b) Why did some poor elders accept Tzedakah between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kipur, but not afterwards?

(c) When a certain poor man died, why did Nechemyah Ish Sichin cry out 'Come and eulogize the man whom Nechemyah killed?

(a) Nachum Ish Gamzu was taking a gift to his father-in-law. What did he reply to that Mukeh Shechin (leper) who stopped him and asked him for some food?

(b) What happened after that?

(c) Why did he decree that his eyes should be blinded, his hands cut off and his legs broken?

(d) What did he say to Rebbi Akiva, when Rebbi Akiva said ...

  1. ... 'Woe to me that I see you like this!'?
  2. ... 'Why are you cursing me'?
(a) What reason did Rebbi Hoshaya Raba give for once omitting to invite his son's blind Rebbe, who was a daily guest at his table?

(b) What did he reply when Rebbi Hoshaya went to placate him? From whom did he learn that?

(c) Why did Rebbi Eliezer ben Ya'akov sit below the blind visitor who came to his town for the first time?

(d) What happened next, and how did the blind visitor respond?

(a) Rebbi Hoshaya was not impressed when Rebbi Chama b'Rebbi Chanina told him how much money his fathers had invested in a certain Shul-building.
Why not?

(b) May one take ...

  1. ... an unblemished animal from Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis to use for the Mizbei'ach, if necessary?
  2. ... a blemished animal from Kodshei Mizbei'ach, and use it for Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis?
(c) How does the Gemara initially understand the Mishnah 'K'li she'Matz'u Bo Tzorech, le'Bedek ha'Bayis Menichin Oso', and how does this clash with what we just said above (in 2)

(d) How do we reconcile the two

*****Hadran Alach Perek Eilu Hein ha'Memunin!*****

Answers to questions


*****Perek Sheloshah-Asar Shofros*****


(a) How many collecting-boxes and how many tables were there in the Beis Hamikdash, and in how many locations did they used to prostrate themselves?

(b) The families of Raban Gamliel and of Rebbi Chanina S'gan ha'Kohanim used to prostrate themselves in one extra location.
Where was that?

(c) Why did they prostrate themselves in the Dir ha'Eitzim? What happened there?

(d) What was the unfortunate Kohen doing there at the time, and why was *he* chosen for that particular task?

(a) What does the Tana Rebbi Eliezer learn from the Pasuk in Melachim "Lo Yivaser *Davar*, Amar Hashem"? How does he prove it from a Pasuk in Divrei Hayamim?

(b) How does Rebbi Yehudah ben Lakish (the Tana quoted in the Tosefta - not Resh Lakish - who was an Amora) reconcile the two Pesukim, which seem to contradict themselves as to whether the staves of the Aron were visible from the Kodesh or not?

(c) How does he derive from the same Pasuk that it remained hidden in its place after the Churban (see Haga'hos ha'Gra)?

10) How did the Kohen die - according to a Beraisa quoted by Rebbi Hoshai'a?


(a) According to Rebbi Yehudah ben Lakish, Yisrael had *two* Aronos in the desert.
What was the significance of each one and what role did it play?

(b) According to the Rabbanan, there was only *one* Aron.
Was it ever taken out to war?

(a) What proof does the Gemara bring from a Pasuk in Shmuel (regarding the P'lishtim's comment after they had captured it) that there was only one Aron - like the Rabbanan?

(b) The Gemara brings a proof for Rebbi Yehudah ben Lakish from another Pasuk in Shmuel, where King Shaul asked Achya to bring near the Aron Elokim (which should normally have been in Kiryas Ye'arim). How do the Rabbanan explain that Pasuk?

(c) The Gemara brings a second proof for Rebbi Yehudah ben Lakish from another Pasuk in Shmuel where Uri'ah ha'Chiti plainly said that Yisrael, Yehudah and *the Aron* were in Succos.
How do the Rabbanan explain *that* Pasuk?

(d) In that case, why did Uri'ah refuse to go home to Bas-Sheva his wife?

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