The Gemara presents this Mishnah as a contradiction to another teaching (a
Beraisa). The Beraisa says that one may take items that were sanctified to
be used for Bedek ha'Bayis (Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis) and use them instead for
the Mizbe'ach (which is a higher degree of sanctity), however, one may not
use items that were sanctified for the Mizbe'ach (Kodshei Mizbe'ach) for
Bedek ha'Bayis. The Gemara answers that the Mishnah does not mean that the
money would go to Bedek ha'Bayis, but that it would go to *Lishkas* Bedek
What is the contradiction that the Gemara is asking, and what is the
Gemara's answer to that contradiction?
(a) RABEINU MESHULAM explains that the terminology of the Beraisa, which
says that one may be *Motzi* ("spend") Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis for the use of
the Mizbe'ach, implies that one must *redeem* the Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis
first, and only then use the money for the Mizbe'ach. The actual item,
though, may not be used for Kodshei Mizbe'ach.
The Gemara then questions this teaching from our Mishnah, which implies that
a sanctified item may be used itself (without being sold) when it is needed
for any purpose of Bedek ha'Bayis, even though the vessels in the Lishkas
ha'Kelim are presumably dedicated to be used for the *Mizbe'ach*. If so,
then certainly if an item was dedicated towards *Bedek ha'Bayis* it may be
used *without redemption* for the Mizbe'ach, in contradistinction to the
Beraisa. (The Gemara, in its question, did not have the last few words that
appear in our Mishnah, "u'Demeihen Noflin l'Bedek ha'Bayis," which imply
that the Kelim in this Lishkah were dedicated towards Bedek ha'Bayis and not
to the Mizbe'ach.)
The Gemara answers that the Lishkas ha'Kelim contained vessels that were
dedicated to be used towards *Bedek ha'Bayis*, and not towards the
Mizbe'ach. Indeed, the vessels in that Lishkah could not be used for the
Mizbe'ach without first being redeemed, since they were dedicated towards
Bedek ha'Bayis, as the Beraisa had explained. (The Gemara adds the words
"u'Demeihen Noflin l'Bedek ha'Bayis" to the Mishnah, to make it clear that
the Mishnah is saying that the items in the Lishkah were dedicated towards
Bedek ha'Bayis.)
(b) The RAMBAM (see RADVAZ, Hilchos Erchin 2:13) and the TALMID RABEINU
SHMUEL BAR SHNEUR explain that from the Mishnah it appears that one may only
use the items designated for Bedek ha'Bayis for purposes of *Bedek
ha'Bayis*. If, however, Bedek ha'Bayis has no use for an item, that item may
*not* be used for the Mizbe'ach, and not even the value of that item (when
it is sold) may be used for the Mizbe'ach -- as the Mishnah rules, "the
value falls to *Bedek ha'Bayis*." This contradicts the Beraisa that says
that Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis *may* be used for Kodshei Mizbe'ach.
The Gemara answers that when the Mishnah says that the value of the vessels
goes to Bedek ha'Bayis, it does not mean that the money is used for the
maintenance of the Beis ha'Mikdash; rather, it means that the money goes to
the *Lishkas* Bedek ha'Bayis -- it goes back to the Lishkah in monetary
form, as coins. Once it is back in the Lishkah, it may be used like any
other money of Bedek ha'Bayis, either for actual Bedek ha'Bayis *or* for the
(The text of the Gemara of RABEINU SHLOMO SIRILIYO includes in the answer
that the money goes "*l'Tzorech* Lishkas Bedek ha'Bayis." He explains that
the Gemara's answer is that the Mishnah is discussing a situation in which
the Bedek ha'Bayis *needed* money, however the money may also be used for
the Mizbe'ach if the Mizbe'ach needs it.)
(c) The RA'AVAD (Hilchos Erchin 2:13, Hilchos Shekalim 4:10) rules that it
is forbidden to use one type of Kodesh for another. It is even forbidden to
use one type of Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis for another type of Bedek ha'Bayis,
and it is certainly forbidden to use it for the needs of the Mizbe'ach. The
Beraisa, then, which says that one may use Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis for the
Mizbe'ach, is difficult in its own right. The Ra'avad implies that the
Gemara was not asking a question on the Beraisa from our Mishnah. Rather, it
was *strengthening* the teaching expressed by the Beraisa by showing that
our Mishnah, too, seems to say that one type of Hekdesh may be used for
another type. Even though the items in the Lishkas ha'Kelim are presumably
dedicated for Kodshei Mizbe'ach (as Rabeinu Meshulam, above, explained in
the Havah Amina of the Gemara), one is still permitted to take items from
there and use them for Bedek ha'Bayis.
The Gemara goes on to explain that this teaching applies *only* to the
"Lishkas Bedek ha'Bayis," meaning the Lishkas ha'Kelim mentioned in our
Mishnah. This Lishkas ha'Kelim was different from most other Lishkos of
Bedek ha'Bayis; although most of the money or items in it were used for
Bedek ha'Bayis, there was a clear stipulation that any items donated to this
Lishkah could be used for whatever type of Hekdesh needed it -- Bedek
ha'Bayis or the Mizbe'ach. The items in the other Lishkos of Bedek ha'Bayis,
however, may be used only for the purpose of Bedek ha'Bayis and they may not
be used for any other purpose, even for another type of Bedek ha'Bayis.
(According to the Ra'avad, the Gemara's answer, "l'Lishkas Bedek ha'Bayis,"
is not explaining *our* Mishnah, but is explaining the *Beraisa* that says
that one may use an item from Bedek ha'Bayis for the Mizbe'ach.)
The VILNA GA'ON takes a similar approach (as explained in the TIKLIN
CHADETIN). The Gemara wants to know how can it be permitted to use vessels
which were placed into the Lishkas ha'Kelim, and thus sanctified for Bedek
ha'Bayis, for other purposes. He explains that the answer of the Gemara is
*not* that the Lishkas ha'Kelim is different (as the Ra'avad says), but that
it is permitted to take the value of items sanctified for one type of Bedek
ha'Bayis and use them for another type of Bedek ha'Bayis use, *with one
condition* -- once the item that was sanctified for Bedek ha'Bayis was sold,
the money must be placed into a Lishkah of Bedek ha'Bayis, at which point it
loses whatever specific designation it had and starts afresh. It may now be
used for any type of Bedek ha'Bayis use.