b'Ezras Hashem Yisborach
Galei Masechta
Concise Hebrew review of the Gemara's conclusions
(brief review notes, meant for those who have already learned the Daf)
prepared for Kollel Iyun Hadaf by an outstanding Talmid Chacham in Yerushalayim
Maseches Shekalim |
Download:Self-unzipping (.exe) files. Downloads of the Hebrew Review notes include each of the following 3 formats:
- Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
 -requires no Hebrew fonts, only free Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 3 or higher)
- Dagesh (.dgs)
-requires Dagesh Hebrew writer
- MS [Hebrew] Word 97 (.doc)
 -requires Microsoft Word 97 or higher
View: To view the Hebrew files online you will need the free Acrobat Reader
To order Galei Masechta review notes on the
current Maseches or any other Maseches, contact:
"Galei Masechta" c/o Kollel Iyun Hadaf
P.O.B. 43087, Har Nof, Yerushalayim
U.S. Fax: (603) 737-5728
Israel Fax: (02) 652-2633
Email: daf@dafyomi.co.il