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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Shabbos 146


(a) What care should one take when smashing open a barrel of dried figs on Shabbos?

(b) Rebbi Yehudah forbids piercing a hole in the lid of a barrel.

(c) Why do the Rabbanan permit it?

(d) Why is one not permitted to stop up a hole in a barrel with wax?

(a) Rebbi Oshaya limits the Din (in our Mishnah) of 'Shover Adam es ha'Chavis Le'echol Heimenah Gerogros' to when the dried figs are pressed together, but not when they are loose. Why is that?
Is this the Halachah?

(b) What forced Rebbi Oshaya to establish the Mishnah like Rebbi Nechemyah?

(c) What are Choslos?

(d) How do we reconcile the Beraisa, which permits even taking the Choslos apart (to get to the dates) or to cut them open, with the Beraisa which forbids it?

(a) The Gemara asks whether one may pierce a hole in the side of a barrel of wine or not. What are the two sides of the Sha'aleh?

(b) The Gemara concludes this Sha'aleh Lechumra.
What is the difference between piercing a hole in the side of the barrel on the one hand, and slicing off the top of the barrel below the lid, which Raban Shimon ben Gamliel permits - on the other?

(a) Rebbi Yehudah and the Rabbanan argue in our Mishnah whether one may or may not pierce a hole in the lid of the barrel. Rav Huna establishes their Machlokes by the top of the barrel, but at the side they both agree that it is forbidden.
Why is that?

(b) How does Rav Chisda establish the Machlokes?

(c) How does Rav Chisda explain the next statement in the Mishnah: 've'Lo Yikavena mi'Tzidah'?

(a) It is forbidden to make a hole in a vessel to pour from . The Tana Kama of the Beraisa permits adding to an existing hole.
Why is this? May one also add to a building?

(b) Then what is the reason of those who forbid it?

(c) What is the Halachah?

(d) May one unstop a hole?

Answers to questions



(a) Our Mishnah permits unstopping a hole in a barrel. This Heter applies only when the stopper was put in Lishmor, but not Lechazek. Rav Chisda considers anything below the level of the (top of the) wine to be 'Lechazek'.
What does Rabah say?

(b) What is the practical difference between a 'Bayis Sasum' and 'Paratz es Petzimav'?

(c) In which two regards is Paratz es Petzimav no longer considered either a doorway or a room (respectively)?

(d) What proof does Abaye bring from here for Rabah's above-mentioned explanation?

(a) May one cut a hollow cane to size, to use as a tap for a barrel?

(b) May one re-place such a cane in the tap-hole?

(c) Rav forbids placing the cane in the first instance, Shmuel permits it.
What is the basis of their Machlokes?

(d) Like whom do we rule?

(a) Shmuel permits stopping a hole in a barrel with lubricant oil on Shabbos.
What does Rav say, and why?

(b) Some permit placing a myrtle-leaf in the hole as a stopper.
What are the two reasons for prohibiting it?

(c) What is the difference between the two reasons?

(a) May one carry through the streets - by wearing them - to use as a cushion ...
  1. ... soft furs?
  2. ... hard furs?
(b) The Gemara initially thought that Rav forbade medium furs because it resembles carrying. What did Rav do that caused the Gemara to think that?

(c) What was Rav's true motive for not sitting on those furs?

(a) What may one do on Shabbos with ...
  1. ... a cooked dish - to prevent it from going off in the heat?
  2. ... a jar of cold water - to prevent it from heating on a hot day?
  3. ... a jar of cold water that one wishes to heat?
(b) What procedure does the Mishnah prescribe for someone whose clothes fell into water on Shabbos, whilst he is traveling? What should he be careful not to do?

(c) Our Mishnah permits placing a cooked dish into a pit. What is the Chidush? Why might we have thought that it would be forbidden?

(d) The Tana also permits placing good water into bad water. What is the Chidush there?

(a) Our Mishnah permits hanging up wet clothes to dry, provided that it is done discreetly. What do Rebbi Elazar and Rebbi Shimon say about this?

(b) How does Rav rule in this matter?

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